Friday, September 22, 2006

pet peeves of the road.

* correction from last time... it might be about 4-5 of my friends who have been shat on by guys lately. (Trace, we need to get together sometime soon. I hope you are well. Oh and you should visit me at work sometime...;-) )

well enough of the angry boy talk...

how about angry driving talk? ha.
lately i have not really enjoyed driving, although I do find it pleasurable at times, but mostly only when there are not other people around and I can just cruise down the open road for awhile and take it all in. :-) One of my happier driving experiences was when Leah and I left Luther after NordicFest and just cruised on out of Decorah with the warm summer air and bright summer sun flowing in through the windows as we stuck our hands out into the open air and listened to the vocal stylings of Jack Johnson...

Driving int he city is a whole different story. I have gotten better at it and I find myself more aggressive which pleases me, that I have learned to drive better in the city and the suburbs but I still can't stand more than half of the other people on the road. It's been raining lately and people tend to forget how to drive when that starts up. I can't stand people going under the speed limit. That is quite annoying. It's right under my biggest pet peeve while driving. People who don't use their signals! why do you think they put the damn things in your car?! Along with people going under the speed limit ... I can't stand those who go above the speed limit and find it their right to ride my ass as I am going the speed limit or even above! jerks. argh... I don't even know how to really explain my frustration in words, but if you've ever ridden in a car with me driving you'd probably understand.

If you think about it...driving is quite dangerous. Really. It's a bunch of humans, who are not perfect beings, who error all the time, operating a big (however many tons) metal vehicle. I think most people take it for granted every day. But I reckon I should start thinking about it more and being thankful that I am not dead from driving around a bunch of idiots. Of course I make my mistakes too. Like today when I probably could have gotten hit by another car while I pulled out in front of it. My claim though... the jack ass was driving a grayish car on a very gray and rainy day without his headlights's kind of hard to see that kind of thing. Anyway... Not that it needs to be thought about constantly but it is something to think about the next time you get in a car and start driving. I do not trust people on the road. I liek people. I took four years of psychology to get a degree becuase I find people interesting but I like them the least, it seems, while they are on the road. I'm always wondering what is going through their minds while I yell at them from behind my steering wheel. At least I don't creat road rage. ..


Melissa said...

I miss driving a lot, and for the most part I'm pretty good at it, except I speed quite a lot. I've recently been borrowing my housemates car and driving around Adelaide, which is city driving for me, and I find it weird with traffic lights every two metres and parking metres etc! At home the road is yours and parking is generally free.

Em I miss you, come online for a chat sometime.

Bec said...

i feel your pain em, some idiot today almost killed me but leaving the exit only lane at the last minute while i was more or less in right next to him in the lane he decided to move into. thank goodness their was no one in the lane next to me cuz i had to swerve into it so that i didn't get hit. not only that... but he had kids in the car! what was he thinking? so anyways, i feel ya, other people in cars suck. miss you heaps...

Anonymous said...

You guys certainly have it tough on the freeways - the only time I ever drive is in Whyalla, where the roads are wide enough for four lanes and you're unfortunate if you see another moving vehicle. I'm sure I'd be a slobbering, twitchy mess if I tried to drive out here.

I often think about how many variables are involved in the traffic, though, and you're right - there are so many opportunties for momentary distractions in a car that it really is surprising there aren't more accidents. I can't even imagine driving with kids in the car, or thinking it's okay to do those crazy stunts (last-minute merging, or tail-gating) on wet roads... crazy buggers.

Anonymous said...

HA, at our Grandfather's funeral one of our uncles gave the eulogy, and he said one of the things he learned from Pa was that "Everyone else on the road is a bloody Idiot". I'll never forget that. So very true...
At the same time, I SO want to drive in the States!!! I just want to drive on the wrong side of the road and swear at people in Australian. :) They don't know what they're in for! AND I got my International Drivers Licence... $15! No test required. HA HA HA!
