Monday, September 18, 2006

not common sense

i haven't had much to say lately, nothing interesting enough to get a comment...but i will say this...well these few things that have popped into my head:

I am so ready to kick a guy in the balls. I hope no nice ones get caught in my war path but I am about ready to do it. a few of my closest friends have been shit on by boys over the last few months. yes boys. I will call them that.They are not men in my mind. I don't know. A lot of shit goes down in many relationships, and I can see how one forgives someone. but damnit... i'm just kind of pissed with what has been going on lately. One of those boys I knew fairly well. And next time I see him I don't know if I should kick him in the balls, punch him in the face or give him a hug. Augh!

and another thing totally unrelated...

i can't stand the bad rep that psychology, psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists etc. get from mostly the media. Damn you tv and movies! Psychologists and psychiatrists in this form seem to be portrated very much in the manner of being a bad guy or insane. Theydo not get credit in the movies or in real life for helping people or 'saving lives'. It's not a 'real' science to most people. It's not 'real' help, or medicine to some people. AUGH! and may i say that it's common sense! If someone who has never ever studied psychology can tell me the treatments for manic depression or how many types of schizophrenia there are and what their differences are, or the different treatments or theories of different mental illnesses, or at least ONE psychologist (other than Freud) and what their contribution to psychology was ... then it's common sense. I'm so sick of people looking at me funnywhen I tell them that I have a psych degree. Ah.. screw them. I want to help people in one of the most difficult ways possible! The mind is a terribly hard thing to explain and deal with and everyone has GOT to know that! so bullshit it's common sense! (heh...and that whole 'common sense' thing came from my friend at work who is studying art. psh.. I wouldn't even call art 'common sense'..i'm not that mean) so yeah. Too bad it's not all common sense and not everything can be cured by exercise and vitamins (tom fucking cruise - thank goodness he finally apologized to Brooke Shields. Maybe he does have a good bone in his body). The mind is a very difficult thing to understand and it's Not common sense!


Melissa said...

I have no claim to a psych degree whatsoever but I find it hard to believe that something that requires a four year university degree and involves expensive couches and excessive note taking can be written off of common sense.

I cop a lot of flack (mostly from engineering students - the one law student I know has an arts degree and so can't talk) for doing a Bachelor of Arts. This annoys me because while it has no defined career path, I chose it because I knew I wanted a university education and I wanted something flexible and interesting to build from.

I hate copping flack for my arts degree because I genuinely do enjoy it and I don't think I should have to apologise for it just because I'm not a maths/science kind of person getting an erection over bridges.

Not that I have a penis.

What was that about Freud?

Anonymous said...

I've heard people call psych 'common sense' before, and I think it stems from a lot of arts students sitting in on, or taking, a first-level psych class and thinking "I knew that - this is all obvious", but then not staying around for anything more complex or interesting.

I think people on the whole feel uncomfortable about the idea of someone understanding them better than they do - people will say dumb stuff like, "oh, a psychologist, eh? So what am I thinking?" As though people study it so they can spend their whole time analysing or manipulating people. You mention that everyone knows of Freud, and maybe that's what leads to it; there's a lot of discomfort attached with the more notorious of his theories, even though psychology has come a long way since then.

When you do start practising, hopefully there will be better treatment for immature boys than crushing their testes...

Oh, I picked up a voucher on Saturday for a free personality test at the local church of Scientology - I'll probably head over later in the week, so if anybody had any questions they wanted answered let me know, and I'll take a list.

Bec said...

em, you rock! i miss you, i have nothing to say about psychology cuz i have only taken intro and i think it is ligit and i have nothing to say about boys because i like them right now, no one i know has been shat on for a while. i just wanted to post a comment with a hello :) i hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

This is Tracy. I am totally with you on the guys subject. I might be one of your friends that has been shat on, but hey on the positive side, he still claims to love me!! I almost did kick him when he told me that yesterday. Boys sucks. i just wish that they were required to become men by a certain age. I need to get out of the house sometime, and we need to go out sometime.