Wednesday, August 30, 2006

i like to wonder.

(just more of what I have been up to...)
i always think of good titles and things to write about while I'm at work, or not at the computer and then I forget them by the time I sit down to write...Then I'll remember them later. Anyway..hopefully this isn't too boring.

I miss school. Luther. Decorah. Part of me really wishes I was heading down there and going back to class and learning more, being around my friends again, hanging out in the coffee shop on campus or drinking beers down at T-Bock's (it's wednesday night... that's $3 pitcher night :-) ) sigh... But another part of me is really ready to start something new. I think I wouldn't miss Luther as much if I had a real job and wasn't living at home. Things are moving slowly with the job search, but it will happen. I've decided to put the job search on hold a bit and search for volunteer and internship possibilities which may help me land a 'real' job later. I'm still baffled as to why one place I applied to volunteer at never got back to me. I suppose I can email them and send in another application. I've started to make a list of places I applied to and am hoping that they will have volunteer or internship opportunities. Since I have the Byerly's deli job at the moment I have the time to actually do some volunteer or internship work. It would also be a plus to have that going on since I can get really bored during the day before I go to work at the deli. And the deli i think would be pretty flexible about my hours. Here's hoping someone will want me to volunteer for them :-)

speaking of work (which is all I ever blog about now)'s getting better. I'm starting to get the hang of things a little more, and my coworkers are being very helpful. The customers seem to like me just fine too. I only had to work for four hours tonight and not until four this afternoon. It was quite amazing how zoned out I could still be at 4pm. :-P Happily the hours went by very quickly. I am also enjoying my coworkers more. I'm getting along with them better. I think I'm getting into the 'loop' a little bit more, which I like because that means there are more people to talk to and joke around with. The customers are constantly entertaining, and both them and my coworkers keep me wondering ;-) I like to wonder. I'm a psych person... so people may think I analyze, but I like to consider it 'wondering' or 'thinking' or 'considering'. :-) Anyway...i'm constantly learning new things every day about how things run, and how people function. My favorite customer today was the lady who wanted to know what would keep at a bbq. I feel like she had never been to one and I didn't know what to tell her. :-P Ooh... and one last thing about work.. I got to clean the cheese slicer yesterday! w00t! let me tell you what excitement that was! haha. It's kind of hard ...especially doing it for the first time and being terrified of cutting yourself while trying to get all the crusted-on cheese off of the blade! eek! No worries i still have ten fingers and all of my limbs.

besides work and missing school... nothing else is going on. I haven't seen anyone in a long time and am hopefully going to remedy that soon. I haven't seen Natalie really in two weeks! :-( And it's been ages since I've even chatted to some friends. Hopefully I will see people this weekend and next. I like friends. I miss them. I hope more come to visit soon! :-)

that is all.


Melissa said...

Hey Em,

I so just wrote you a big ass email and then the net on my housemates computer screwed up and I don't think it got through! So then I tried to send you another one saying "I just wrote you this big ass email, can you write me an email from a valid address and I'll replly to it?" and it rejected it. Apparently your address isn't valid anymore or something, I don't know. It's the only one I've got. So delete some emails missy, there's contact to be made here! hehe .

Talk soon! Glad to see you're keeping you're updating regularly, I like hearing what's going on with you.

Cheers, Luv Mel

Melissa said...

Hey Em I tried again and I think I got it right this time... check... please...

Luv Mel =D