Monday, March 20, 2006

so hey, it's been awhile. my bad. It's been a busy week or so. :-P Anyway read on...

First of all St. Patrick's Day: What a holiday. I'm not Irish, at least I don't think but i tried my best to enjoy the finer things we consider Irish. As in, irish car bombs, guiness, and the movie Boondock Saints. I spent the day in class but 4 pm rolled around and off to the bottle shop to pick up some beer. Came back, did dinner, and then spent the evening with six fun friends! A group of us girls got together and did car bombs, jello shots and played a drinking game to Boondock Saints! SO FUN! I have the photos to prove it too! So yeah, it was great. I spent the later part of the evening on the computer with Mel hopefully not talking too ridiculously... and then i was passed out by 12 or so. :-) Not a very long day of drinking but a good evening of it no doubt. I'd put up photos but let's be serious most of you that read this have facebook where i have put up the photos already. They are quite funny.

now this week has been alright considering. It's Thursday morning and i am pretty much done for the week! YES! took two exams yesterday that went fine. not as well as i would like but they went fine. Thank god they are done and so is my last assignment. Happily my soc professor cancelled class today as long as we all did an assignment which was just a revision of our research outlines. Awesome! So I'm done. I feel soooo relaxed and it's wonderful. I leave tomorrow for St. Louis to play frisbee! w00t! Today's tasks include catching up on reading and working on my senior paper, and also the hope of getting my computer fixed. Another reason why i have not written in while... broken computer! :-( stupid thing. I wish my life didn't depend so much on computers. Sigh... oh well we'll see... After st louis it's back home for what i hope to be a relaxing week!And really that's allthat i have for now.

1 comment:

Mikey B said...

Have fun in St. Louis. That sounds like a lot of fun...and good job on the whole celebrating St. Pat's Day. You don't have to be Irish...especially if you know someone who is Irish [Me :)].
And it seems that you have heard that tu hermana is no longer liking the male population. This time it may last for up to two weeks possibly...for real. I agree with her completely, however...We do suck quite a bit!!! I just don't understand why we can't get our shit together. Wait, maybe mine is together, I just have to sort it all out now. Whatever, babbling.
Okay, well, ttyl.
Mikey B.