Monday, March 06, 2006

whole lot of frisbee

frisbee all around! Yeah!

so I played frisbee this weeekend and it was SO much fun. we traveled 6 hours to Duluth to play at an indoor tournament. We went up on Saturday and hung out at the hotel for the evening, chilling... then played at noon the next day. After figuring out the schedule because a team dropped that morning we were on our way. We brought two teams and so got A LOT of playing time. Overall it was a whole lot of fun. THere were many worries about the weather since it had been snowing all morning and afternoon, but by the end of the tournament and after many phone calls to our parents about the conditions on the road and the weather we got going. Oh but before that we had to jump one of the girl's cars because her lights had been left on. Needless to say none of us knew what we were doing. We were sure we had it at one point but her car wouldn't start still. Thank God for the kid that pulled in the parking lot who had a racing jacket on. We figured he had to know something about cars! Luckily he did and what did we forget to do that Britta later realized she knew we should have done but had slipped her mind? Just to give the other car some gas and then WA-LA! the car started. So then we were down to two of the four cars...two just wanted to keep traveling and our other two decided to stop in town for food before we left. While getting food, one of the other cars had a problem. Broken winshield wiper! what the hell were we going to do about this one? It was still kind of rainy out and the roads were full of water so there was no doubt that her windshield would get dirty every five seconds! We sat and at food and figured things out. After a couple phone calls with tips, they finally decided to just try and 'finagle' it around to see if anything was loose. We ended up going to a gas station down the street to see if they had a wrench or something. The guy working who didn't know much about cars came out to help and a few minutes later... WA-LA fixed windshield wiper! the last two cars could now be on their way! Finally we started to head out of Duluth
(oh and p.s. I LOVE Duluth. my great grandpa used to live there and we always went there for Easter! so cool! there was a park near his house that was under the freeway! good times! i loved grandpa's house and the lake and the park! Mom's aunt and uncle still live there too. But the place!)

Anyway we headed out of Duluth, the two cars, with two ahead. But what did we hit coming out of Duluth!? FOG! and LOTS OF IT! Luckily our drivers are good safe drivers and we made it through, once out of the fog it was smooth sailing. Well that is until the other car called us and said they stopped because the car had been making noise. Ok fine, they'll be ok, they just wanted to make sure. So we continue...we make a stop like an hour out of Minneapolis to take a quick pee break, get back on the road and who catches up with us? the other car! We travel into the cities... They think they're behind our car and get off on some exit, figure it's not us close to 20 minutes later and get back on the freeway... i don't know if they ever caught up with us again, they might have, but we also might have caught up with the car ahead of us. Anyway...overall we all made it home safe and sound by about 1 am! sooner that we actually had thought!

About 6 hours in a car! oh man! three of us in the back seat was kind of hard... it felt SO GOOD to move when i finally got out and stretched. So granted it was only 1 am, i still decided NOT to go to work so I called in about 1:30 leaving a message that I wouldn't be there. Probably a good move on my part considering I had an exam today. The extra two hours of sleep I'm sure did me some good. Luckily the exam went just fine and I mad it through the day still feeling a bit sore and wondering about my ankle which hurt last night and a bit this morning. Being so tired I haven't done much homework tonight and i have another quiz tomorrow. I should really review for that and figure out a research topic which I have to have by tomorrow. well at least an idea. Hey i just thought of an idea. it would be really cool if i could compare tv programs from different countries. hmmm I'll pitch the idea at least. we'll see. Anyway we had our last indoor frisbee intramural game tonight. We made it to the championships! YEAH! it was so much fun. Our team is SO cool i love them and now I am sad taht I won't get to spend much time with them because they are that cool. I will miss their lovely faces on tuesday and thursday nights! sigh... Anyway we played another team that played monday wednesday nights. We lost but only by about 4 points. The thing that mattered most was that we had fun. I really did. Had quite a few giggles (Krista had a lot) for the ridiculousness of the other team being kind of a bunch of jack asses, but whatev. It was fun and we had some spirit. Best was watching the kid I was on try to go long and he really didn't do much. w00t! that's right I had some defense! I'm quite proud of that fact, not gonna lie...After the team hung out at Marty's on campus and got some yummy slushies and we just chatted...chilled. It was fun. These people are SUPER cool.
SO that's that. Whole lot of frisbee!

I'll try to update more. Clearly I cannot keep up with Melissa who updates like every five seconds about EVERYTHING, which i'm not complaining about because it gives me a chance to figure out what's up in her life, but i really can't no compare to her posts. Like how she just wrote about a random dream she had. I just had one. I went to a movie with someone, and ran into Shannon and Ric (another Aussie) at the movie theatre and Shannon had glasses (which he doesn't have in real life) So random but not as random as Mel's dream. I reckon I need to do a post after having six beers like her, and maybe I'll remember mine, unlike her :-) hahaha. Oh and thanks Mike for commenting on my blog. Much appreciated I can't wait to show u and AJ how to do the bottle thing. Who's buying the beer? ;-)

Speaking of beer... since I just mentioned it twice... I really wish I could have been drinking some this past weekend...Sounds like my mates from Aus had a fantastic time celebrating Shannon's 21st! Especially since most of them said they had a hang over most of the days this past weekend. Monday the 6th is actually his birthday and I guess he also had a few drinks on Monday night...little hung over Tuesday. By the way figuring out when Aussie friends will be home seems to be so difficult later. Really wanted to call Shannon on his birthday and it was so hard figuring out when he would be home so I could call and it was sunday night here, and I was beat! Anyway it got figured out but damn what an effort it seemed to be at 2 am trying to call someone to wish them happy birthday!

that's all I think i have. now back to real life where I have to study, ice my ankle, and figure out my life. But to go along with Amber, I won't be too logical about anything. ;-)


Melissa said...

haha Em,

Yeah whenever I've got a spare minute of I've done something constructive like done my uni readings I pop on the comp and post about something. All the discussions about history and politics at uni actually get me in the mood to write about something, especially things that are opinionated! I guess that's why I've posted so often lately... More inspiration than usual!

Anyway, that whole thing with the tv shows from two different countries - do an aussie one. I can help you out heaps, i do media studies, I can get notes on the show you pick out and stuff... newspaper articles...

Think about it.

Glad to hear you had a great weekend, and I'm sure Shannon appreciated the effort of you ringing him at 2am about his birthday =D .

Luv Melissa

Mikey B said...

I will provide mucho cerveza...just as long as you show us the bottle trick over and over again.
Sounds like you had a kick butt weekend...I love Duluth also...such a fun place.
Well, take care of that ankle and get some studying done for cryin out loud.