Tuesday, March 07, 2006

funny feeling

um so i possibly hurt my ankle while playing frisbee this weekend. I'm really wondering now if something is wrong with it. The weirdest part is that my foot has felt like it has fallen asleep when i haven't been sitting on it. Ummm. weird. now I'm concerned I may have actually hurt myself which never happens. It's only slightly swollen so I haven't been too concerned. I played frisbee on it again last night with a brace on it and it felt fine. Only thing is the side of it feeling bruised. Hmmmmm... still hoping it's nothing actually bad.

so i should be studying for my quiz this afternoon, but really...break time! yay! I've spent maybe a total of two hours studying for this. The study guide actually seems a little ridiculous. I reckon I might be fine and be able to B.S. my way through the stupid thing. It's so bad when you don't care about a class and could give a rats ass about the professor. Did I mention that he sent us an email about how class went the other day. I felt like he was saying we were incompetent or something. He proably thinks we have very little respect for him which i think he is right in assuming. i don't have much for him especially after the 'crazy' comment. This should be interesting. Have to also have a research project idea. I wonder how that will go. Think I might ask to look at media from different countries, but i gotta figure out how i can do that. Melissa so happily said she would help me! thanks buddy.:-) Thanks to her love of media studies.

other thoughts. I hav been thinking about how my siblings and i get along now. It's really cool, cuz i feel like we get along with one another a whole lot more than we used to. It's funny cuz AJ says she thinks she used to hate me, but now she loves me and we talk about how much we miss eachother all the time. i don't think i ever hated her... she was my big sister... i liked looking up to her but she was a bit too much for me sometimes I suppose. It's all such a weird but very cool relationship. Don't worry i like my brother too. I think we are finally learning how to get along and tolerate eachother. It's good. I love my siblings! :-)

i'll leave you with this: "It's hard to do this backwards"
"You should try it in heels"

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