Sunday, March 12, 2006


ah peace...
that was my weekend. Not only was it seriously rather peaceful, with gorgeous weather and a whole lot of relaxing and no partying but the Peace Prize Forum was happening here at Luther and it was fantastic. Literally the weekend was about promoting peace, sustainable environmental practices and so much more! There were three big sessions with speakers who spoke of the environment mostly, and there was definitely the theme that you can not just sit back and wait for others to do something, you've got to do something if you want things to change. The other two sessions I went to advocated that also especially the first. The first was more of a discussion and it was pretty neat to listen to what people had to say. The second session i went to was Gendered Activism: Women, War and Peace. That was pretty awesome. The presentation was very good and it was so interesting to have certain things brought to my attention, just by talking about words that we use to describe war and peace and how they differe and seem gendered. It was interesting also to hear the speaker state that "peace is more than just the absence of war. " THis got me to thinking about the quote "the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation" from RENT. The first part of this quote is starting to make more sense to me now that is has been pointed otu to me that there is more to peace than just the absence of war. The opposite of war isn't always peace, not that i'm sure creation is the complete opposite, i have yet to figure that part out, let me ponder it for awhile.

Anyway over all it was such a good couple of days. The weather was absolutely fantastic and learning about peace is quite invigorating... it gets you so excited and I hope the excitement stays. I came away from Friday and Saturday's speakers and sessions feeling like i want to save the world! :-) I just need to do something. On top of this the weekend reiterated the fact that I want to go into some profession where I get to help people. Working with AIDS patients has become a new thought. I'm trying to also remind myself that I don't need to directly do psychology stuff, but a helping profession of some sort will do. Who knows, I have to try things first right? gain some experience.
anyway that's all i've got about that.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a good weekend!!

I worked nightshifts and felt like stabbing people for being dickheads. Hows that for feminism and peace?

(answer: pretty bad).

Have fun chooky!

Luv Mel =D