Thursday, March 16, 2006

March weather

well... to keep at least Melissa updated i reckon i should write something. Really there is quite a bit i could write about. Such as...

had a GREAT conversation with a classmate, Andrea, the other day while going over a counseling exercise. It seriously was awesome. We got into talking about life after Luther which were the problems we were dealing with while going through the exercise. It was so refreshing to talk to someone new about this kind of thing and to hear someone else's perspective on life. It was amazing to hear her say how some days she's just so mad or annoyed and she's not sure why... WHOA! That's totally me sometimes too! I guess i can't really explain all of the conversation but it was good and made me feel HEAPS better about stuff.

On top of that the next day I went to a workshop to learn about what I can do with my four year degree. Woo Hoo! it was pretty interesting and it got me more motivated to go to the career center. As much as they said that I don't need to do something directly psych, i still really want to try to! It' s just my passion, my love. I want to work with people in more of that kind of setting instead of as some manager at a corporation or something. Anyway...that meeting lead me to last night where i ran into my friend Nathan who flat out asked me "what are you doing?" as in what am I doing with my life. "Not sure, don't know" was my reply. He was quite excited to hear that from me and with a sigh he said "me too". We decided then that we would go to the career center and make appointments together and be each other's support! I hope this support relationship continues. the next couple months are going to be hell when it comes to thinking about life after luther.

I skipped my first class of the year today. go me! I just decided that the hour and a half that I usually spend in class learning about research methods of sociology could be better spent studying. i of course threw in a little nap too ;-). So instead of class I studied for my exam tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll be good to go. this weekend however will be spent with many many books spread in front of me while I catch up on reading and get ready for three exams in the middle of the week :-P bleh. And hopefully on top of that I'll get some senior paper work in.

speaking of... just read the chapters in one of my counseling books, on procrasitnation. I actually did the little exercises in the book to get me thinking about how and why I procrasinate. It was probably an excellent thing for me to do! Now maybe I'll finally spend more time on my senior paper.

And lastly...March has THE craziest weather. Not only is there a whole lot of snow up in Minneapolis/St. Paul, but... today we played frisbee in the snow! There was supposed to be a HUGE snow storm today but we actually only ended up with about 3 inches? i'm guessing. Anyway since our tournament over spring break is coming up in a week we decided to practice in the snow! OH WHAT FUN! it was great snow...wonderful for packing into snowballs which inevitably led to a snowball fight. We scrimmaged for about an hour in the snow until we were sopping wet and REALLY tired. It's hard to run in snow first of all and even harder to try and keep yourself up! Anyway spring break starts a week from tomorrow and I can't wait. St. Louis here we come! it should be a whole lot of fun. Until study study.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had a dream about you and jeff. we were in FL. i don't know what we were doing. but me and you were doing crafts of some sort. don't know why. anywhoo...this must mean i miss you!