Thursday, December 29, 2005

the holidays

so it's been awhile, but I don't think anyone has really been on lately. Everyone I'm sure has been busy with the holidays. I myself have not been online much since I have been home. I have enjoyed being home though. Seeing friends from high school has been good. Getting to see Natalie, Davina, Jeff and even Ben was awesome! Mind you I haven't really seen Ben for at least a year but it was still pretty cool, pretty chill and it felt like old times. Hanging with Jeff and Nat at the bar was pretty awesome too. Seeing most of Fridley at the bar was kind of crazy, but whatever still had fun.

Geez I'm not sure if I should even talk about the past week. SO much has gone on. Have been working mostly. Had to work in Refurb today! :-P Gross. I hate working back there, and not just because all I did for 8 hours was look at watches but because this lady that works there is SO annoying. She's very negative and in the 8 hours that I was at work today I don't think I heard her say one postive thing! I reckon she needs a job change! Last week...Wednesday was pretty eventful. I got drunk by 9ish, went home by 11 and got up for work by 6:30 and suffered the whole day through a hangover! :-P ugh! that's what I get though. Besides that...ummm ...

The holidays were good. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were the same as usual. Nothing too different. Much time spent with family and friends. so overall a good time. Have been knitting a lot and love it. Finished making my first knitted hat the other day. Finished another on Tuesday which is actually a little big, but it will do because I do not want to take it apart again! :-P I started another hat on Tuesday also with some yarn that one of my grandma's got me for christmas! :-) finished two books that I started a long time ago! God's Politics and In a Sunburned Country. Both great books. Have now moved on to The Bell Jar , which is very intriguing so far... I"m enjoying it.

I have nothing good or meaningful left to say (not to say that the above is really that meaningful...) Going to the eye doctor one last time Thursday and am taking the day off work. One more day of work after that, then the week, New Years and back to Luther. w00t! that's it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


oh love! oh joy! Kare and Will are the best! They brought me Cooper's Pale Ale!!!!! ALL THE WAY FROM AUSTRALIA! :-) many happy faces and thanks! SO GOOD. can't wait to drink it. And of course it was so awesome to see Will and Karen! I miss them and it's so nice to see someone from Australia!!!!!! It's hard to even describe but happiness fills my bones! I miss Australia!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

exams 2&3, and home...

so the last two exams last week went fine.
nothing special and yet nothing terrible. Got my Abnormal assignment back with a good mark on it though! :-) That was Thursday and once I was done, I packed up my stuff and headed home with Krista and Kayla. We sang to RENT most of the way home. Happily we made it home safe. It wasn't snowing liek we heard it was going to be, but the roads were wet and dirty and so we had to make due with the water in our drink bottles and the snow (when we could) to clean the windshield when it got too dirty. May I recommend that no one ever do this! especially hurling water at the windshield from a drink bottle while going 60 mph! Oh what an adventure it was. I did freak out a few times when I could not see through the wind shield! It's quite scary. But like I said we made it to my house safe and sound, and luckily also with no puddles in the car (Krista really had to pee while we sat in traffic in Minneapolis for almost an hour! )

We had intended to go out for krista's birthday that night, and meet up with britta who had also driven to the cities. That didn't happy. krista wasn't feeling well, but her, kayla and I did sit in my house, ate ham salad, enjoyed some colorado bulldogs (courtesy of my Mommy!, yes my mum made us drinks!:-) ) , watched a Bond movie and then quite a few Buffy episodes! Oh what fun we had! We all had a good sleep, and then out to breakfast in the morning. Kayla left us at noonish and then Krista and I spent two hours drinking coffee and wandering/relaxing in a book store. OOOOoooh do Barnes and Noble have THE most comfy chairs! :-) we did mind less things like read trashy magazines! so good! Later I took Kris and her sis Lindsey to the airport. Went to dinner with the family and then out with my sister and Davina, which was SO good. We went to watch some lame comedy but then went to a peanut bar and had a great time just the three of us. Was soooo tired last night but stayed up until 2 and then got up for work this morning. Dad and I went in for a few hours and i was going off of four hours of sleep. We only stayed til about noon, and then headed home and then to Elaine and Wes's for an early christmas. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening eating, opening gifts and chatting. Grandma taught me how to do some more things with knitting so now I can do some different stitches and also make hats! well hopefully this first one turns out ok. Anyway... i believe that's it. I'm going to stay away from too much detail and head out. I reckon a movie and some knitting is what my saturday night holds! :-)
love to all!


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

exam #1

well the first exam is done and over. Luckily it was not too bad. I loathe multiple choice though. :-P Happily I am no longer stressed about that test and can move on in life.

I got my HUGE paper from learning and behavior after the final today. I didn't want to but knew I should so i wouldn't be wondering about it. I was expecting what I got. I got a C. :-( but well at least Laura made me feel better by reminding me that it is a difficult class and that if we can get through this we can at least have some knowledge of what grad school will be like. heh. wonderful. This kind of makes me not want to go to grad school. I also decided to keep the stupid thing, also by suggestion of Laura. Because if I keep it I can learn from it. Good idea, cuz i never seem to do that.

time for lunch.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

an addition to today

so I just went to lunch with Kayla and we sat with Tyler and Joe.
Now I've had issues with Tyler before but lately I have been able to appreciate him more. Although the 'baby killer' thing still pisses me off. I think though that I am learning more about his and Kayla's relationship and am beginning to understand them more.

Anyway to Joe. I have met him only a few times over the last three and a half years and I have seen more of him this year due to the fact that Kayla knows him. My impression of him... ummmm not so good. He was kind of a jerk today. First he bitches about Britta writing about Frisbee too much in the campus newspaper and secondly as I try to make a joke about baby Jesus being white in the scenery for Christmas as Luther he gets super pissy and kind of yells at me "did you even listen to a thing I was saying?" Oops sorry! guess I'm not allowed to make jokes around him. Overall though I just couldn't stand him this afternoon. I didn't even want to look at him so I kept shooting my glance around the cafeteria. Little does he know and understand that since Britta is writing for the first time on the paper they give her the shit stories and i guess the editor is a dickhead. secondly Britta is a good writer but is starting to NOT care about the paper, hence talk about quitting next semester. thirdly he needs to chill out, this is a school news paper, in a small town, small campus, with barely anything to write about. Plus britta only briefly mentioned frisbee at the end of this last.

overall. I want to punch him in the face a little bit and tell him to chill out. I'm actually possibly looking forward to seeing the kid again so I can argue with him. Let him know he is not God's gift to anything.
that's my rant. sometimes I don't like people. and Joe was that person today.

what Bec said...

so I'm with Bec on this one... change.

Everything really has changed. Sucks. But life goes on no doubt.
Life is going to change for me too in the next six months. What the HELL am I going to do once I get out of school? I have so many ideas! Work, intern, grad school, undergrad again?, travel... The list could probably go on. I want to do something I don't want to let these four years go to waste. I want a career, a job in my field. And as much as I like the fact that Asset Marketing will pay me $9/hr to work in the warehouse, that is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Other change...our house, friends, and life at school. Our house is different. One has moved out, another will move out at semester graduating early. I miss them both already, and one isn't even gone. Friendships have changed. Boyfriends and girlfriends. Things are different between friends and it's kind of weird. I've changed and so have my friends who went abroad. Good friends and aquaintances. I change my mind every day almost about what I want to do, what I would go to grad school for and where, and how, and what I would write my senior thesis on. My schedule has changed for the next semester and for january. I'm taking a class during january instead of interning.

my blog has changed.

The weather has changed. It's snowing again today.

My ideas and beliefs changed.

Big change that Bec mentioned...change in communication with Australia. Everyone there has moved out of college and they're doing new things, living in new places which all equals less contact with the people I love on the other side of the world. My feelings haven't changed. Lack of communication makes me quite sad and depressed some days. Things are fine though. I still have the Americans in fairly close contact.

And although there has been so much change. Good still comes out of it. I can't stay sad and depressed for long. It just makes life too... well... too sad. clearly.

What will not change is the fact that I have this HUGE essay to write by tomorrow. 12 pages already of which need to be fixed and read through. probably another 4 or 5 or more to type i'm guessing.

"change is good"

Sunday, December 04, 2005

proudest sister

first things first. My brother applied to school for next semester and got in! I think the process of job finding got really boring for him and just started to suck. So now he's going to college and is going to study computers, i believe. :-) YAY! Proudest sister ever! :-) YAY Kyle!

what else...?
Christmas at Luther. Am so happy I am not a part of that production! Three of my housemates are though and Friday night i went to watch them sing along with the other choirs here (there are six mass choirs) and the orchestra. It was really neat. Although I guess the performance Britta and I went to was kind of crap and the one after was spectacular! oh well it was still really beautiful. A wonderful tradition. Went out for drinks after that in a very chill setting, which was so good. Britta offered to buy me a drink so i couldn't turn that down. :-) Ran into some alumni friends and had a good chat with them.

Well because of Christmas at Luther parents came to visit! w00t! I got to meet Krista's dad for the first time! I had never actually met him before, only talked to him on the phone. It was really cool, I like her parents a lot. I got to hang out with her parents, sister Lindsey and Krista last night for awhile before the concert. good fun. Yesterday was also a shopping day. i hate shopping and I hate walmart but the frisbee team had some shopping to do for the christmas cheer family we have. Sunday we will wrap the gifts!

It's definitely beginning to look a lot like christmas. It's been snowing for the past few days and so the ground is covered with a white fluff and is so bright and clean looking! WE also put up deocrations the other day in the house. So nice! The christmas lights around the window are my favorite along with the stockings on the stairs.

so that is basically it. I've been knitting a whole lot too which makes me happy but the fact that finals are coming up in a week does not. I'd rather be knitting than studying and writing a paper. I lack motivation this weekend:-P
