Monday, March 07, 2005

relaxed weekend

Well it's been awhile since my last post, and I apologize, although I don't really know how many people rely on this to catch up on my life, but whatever...

This past weekend was quite uneventful in the sense that I stayed at college all weekend and didn't go out to the pubs or anything. I think that if I go out too much I will definitely go completely broke! I'm trying to live on a budget which hasn't been working too well yet seeing as it is only the second week of March and I'm down to like $35! EEK! Now this is suppose to be my fun spending money, but some of that was spent on books. UGH. Besides running out of money this weekend was pretty awesome because it was so relaxed and just hanging out turned out to be great. Most of the weekend I just spent the evenings hanging out with people which can give you such a great feeling because I felt like I was sitting around with a group of friends. That may sound weird but I've only known people for a couple weeks so it was nice to have that feeling of acceptance. Although I didn't get much talking in during conversations I did enjoy very much just observing the conversation and the people I was sitting with.

Birthdays have become a very common theme around here and else where. My tutor has his birthday this weekend and my friend Shannon had his birthday also. Both turned 20, which seemed weird because they seem older than that. Rebecca and I went out and bought Shannon a gift for his birthday which was The Princess Bride dvd. Out of all the Australians that we have asked, Rebecca and I have not found one that has seen the movie or read the book The Princess Bride except for Shannon, who loves it as much as we do! This was so very exciting for us because along with the search for those who have heard of it, whenever we've mentioned it, the males mostly, have just been like "oh sounds like a chick flick"! For those of you who have seen it, you quite clearly that it is NOT a chick flick! Anyway to say the least Shannon LOVED the gift, not only that but the wonderful wrapping paper that Rebecca and I made by coloring pictures from my coloring book. How awesome are we?! :-) Sunday was his actual birthday and a group of us ended up going out to dinner and then watching his new DVD. Yay for Rebecca and I introducing the Aussies to a great movie... oh and they all cracked up and loved the movie. It was a fun time! Besides these two birthdays friends back home have birthdays this week and then Rebecca has her 21st here next week! Something about March birthdays I guess!

Other news that I received from the states was that my good friend Kari got engaged this weekend which just made me go crazy!If you know Kari and have not told her congrats! You should,this is such exciting news and what is even better is that I will actually be able to attend her wedding!

now it's on to the second week of classes and I have realized that doing homework would be a good thing to do, but it's so hard when you want to keep being social and meet people especially when things are going on all around you! EEK! needless to say my procrastination needs to drop out and I need to pick up that whole studying bug again! Today (Tuesday) is my longest day but it still doesn't feel that bad..class from 9-3 with an hour break. What was exciting today was the fact that I enjoyed my philosophy lecture, the tutorial was a bit harder, but still good. All in all it was a good day at Uni and was a beautiful to match! I love this weather! One great thing about the weather here is that you can hang your laundry out instead of using the dryer...yay for saving some energy! the downer to this though is that lint collects like mad on your clothes when they hang to dry and the clothes that you have stretched out don't shrink back to their normal form. oh well. Well those are my ramblings for the day hope whoever reads this enjoyed it!
much love,


Anonymous said...

Hi Emily!

I check your site about once a week - so keep posting! It sounds like you are having a great time!!!

:-) Sarah B.

Anonymous said...

kari who? which kari is married? and you need to learn that people in life are friendly. You act like its ODD that poeple are nice an talk to you. Love your big sista.