Saturday, March 19, 2005

Excitement along with some bumps and bruises

Well this past week hasn't been anything too exciting but here's a quick run down for those few of you who do read this... I've been trying to catch up on sleep all week after that very tiring weekend in Melbourne. Tuesday was my friend Rebecca's birthday, which was also my first night of League Ultimate. After putting a somewhat drunk Rebecca to bed that night I ended up talking to my friend Shannon until 5:30 am! Him and I both only ended up getting three hours of sleep, which did not help my catching up on sleep situation. Wednesday night was pub night, before that though I spent time at frisbee again and then a little time at the pub to watch Rebecca skull a jug of orange juice and vodka. I then planned to do some homework but once I got back from the pub Mel asked if I wanted food, which of course I agreed to so we went to get pizza. Later Shannon and I got to watch a drunk Mel be pretty silly and entertaining while we sat in the hall for awhile. Thursday night was of course St. Patrick's Day and I had no idea that Aussie's actually somewhat celebrated this holiday but I guess they do. My day had been wonderful all day, I was just in a really good mood from deciding plans for the second week of mid semester break with Blair to finding out that Flogging Molly ( an irish punk band I am very fond of) will be playing for free back in MN on my birthday to acting silly at frisbee practice! Anyway the happiness continued as we got ready to go out to the pub. This was probably the first time in about almost two weeks that I had drank anything. The night was entertaining running into other IES friends and just hanging out at the pub and then getting food, coming back and eating ice cream. Friday was not that great of a day because well, I guess I actually drank enough to give me a bit of hangover. Now don't worry all , it's not like I do this that often or anything, and I was still alive and coherent but man was I tired! Anyway I made it through my one class that I had and then spent the rest of the day recovering, I guess is what you could call it. Friday night was entertaining after Tea when a group of us got together to throw the frisbee which turned into a game of 500( you know the game where you stand in a group while someone throws a ball usually a football up in the air and calls points, and whoever catches it gets the points and the first to five hundred becomes the next thrower?) -- this game though did not include winning points and turned into a game of pushing eachother out of the way so they couldn't catch the disc. Really it just gave us a reason to push eachother around which actually was quite a lot of fun. Most of us have bruises and bumps to show for falls and hits. I have a bump on my nose from a frisbee that Sonny blocked and ended up in my face and a bump on the back of my head from mine and Shannons' heads colliding. OUCH! Overall it was pretty funny. After this fun game I spent some time at our "casino night" up in the common room but then decided a shower was needed and spent the rest of the night trying to read until Rebecca came by to watch Love Actually with me. Saturday has been a some what productive day... i was just happy to get ten hours of sleep. Rebecca and I bought a drying rack for clothes, and some other goodies. I have spent most of the evening trying to read for a class because I have a ton of reading left for it. Now it's coming down to what to do with the rest of the night... do more reading or hang out with people? decisions, decisions...


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