Thursday, March 03, 2005

Rainy Day

Well the first week of classes are officially over for me! YAY! I had one class today (Friday) and it was hard to pay attention cuz I was sitting farther back than I had wanted and the chairs in the room are really squeaky when people move around. Not only that but my lecturer's Aussie accent can be a little difficult for me to understand sometimes, it all depends on what he's trying to say. The week overall wasn't too bad, my classes seem pretty cool for the most part and it's really weird to not have that much going on yet. Besides classes the week was pretty low key which was nice, although we did have our first official "Pub Night". I also got to play frisbee twice this week and it was super super fun! I was soooo excited for Wednesday night frisbee because a lot of my american friends came out to play which was so awesome and there were just TONS of people. It was great!!

Last night was quite entertaining after I got back from ultimate practice. I ended up in Shannon's room (he's a tutor, like an RA) with a bunch of people hanging out listening to music. Most of these people I had never really hung out with so it was kind of a weird experience, eventhough I felt good being there, like they were people that I always hang out with. Overall it was a good experience... We all ended up staying up way too late listening to music and watching random cartoons online...

Today is a gloomy rainy day and so the plan is to sit inside and chill all afternoon, which I am really looking forward to, and I don't feel that bad staying in because of the bad weather. I was going to go to Cleland Wildlife park with my friends Blair and Will. Will is a frisbee player and used to go to Luther for those of you that don't know ( I don't know if I ever shared that but yeah..). So that's about it for now, there isn't much else to say.

much love,

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