Monday, February 28, 2005

This will be a quick one for you all because i have to jet to class in a few. Finally classes at Uni have started! They started yesterday (monday), but I didn't have any classes yesterday, so that was nice. Today I had my first class called Youth, Work and other Catastrophes, which seems like it will be a really interesting class, so I'm very excited. My friend Emily is in this class with me as well so it is nice to see a friendly face. I'm really excited to learn more about youth in this class and hope that it touches on some of the things I experienced this past summer working with Youth. Maybe it will even give me more direction and help me figure out if working with Youth is what I would like to do.

In about twenty minutes i have my second class of the year which is my philosophy class: critical thinking and argument (or something like that). This I hope will be interesting and not too boring. It is fulfilling a religion requirement for school back home at Luther. I also have my philosophy tutorial today (like a discussion group for the class) but I don't think we have them this week. The nice thing is that I didn't need to do any reading for today and i don't think I need to do any for my politics class either this week. Good stuff!

Besides classes starting, it was a very relaxing weekend, O'week finished and things got a little bit calmer, although loud music can usually be heard at any time of the day. My window got fixed yesterday too so no more cardboard window! I have pictures, and so once I get the internet in my room hooked up I'll either post those pictures (and heaps more) on here or just send them via email. well I should be off, so i can make sure I know where my class is. Have a wonderful day, evening, morning, whatever it may be when you read this! much love to all!


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