Monday, October 24, 2005

my sock is too small

I am convinced that either I got two different size socks, or that my right foot is just bigger than the left. hmmmm.

Well i had a pretty good end to the night last night. Chatting with Natalie, Joe and Mel made my evening! I had not talked to any of them in awhile and I got the chance to reminisc about days past.:-) And i did finally go to bed and got some sleep, more than 2 1/2 hours that is... :-)

Yesterday was also great aside from lack of sleep, because i went to an internship meeting and I REALLY want one for J term! I will go anywhere! It would be heaps good if I could go to another state or country. I don't know if I have the money but I reckon that if I work over christmas break I'd be almost golden! Although maybe I should save the money for after graduation and for other things. Hmmm decisions decisions! I really just want to travel again! We'll see I might just end up doing one in Iowa or Minnesota and I'm pretty cool with that too. I am excited to get some work experience!

I got to hang out with Justin last night to do homework. I barely got through any of my info for my senior paper but I suppose I'll keep trucking. I feel a bit better about the fact that I've done something (a whole page of notes! :-P ) We had quite a lot of fun when we weren't studying too. Justin has some mad gymnastic skills. heheeh. Also we had a fun conversation about Punks and what it means to be punk. He mentioned an article that Brett gave him ( a soc prof) and i really want to read it now. Punk culture is sooo interesting! I should have done my paper on that! would be so cool! argh! Oh well.

Today Ben Folds is playing a show at First Avenue in Minneapolis and I wish I was going to be there! Sadly I will not be. I think I shall devote my day to Ben Folds and listen to just him. sigh... Well i have nothing else good to say... Oh well exciting news! Julia (a girl i work with) is back at school! She had mono! so sad, but so happy that she is feeling better!


Melissa said...

Take me where the air is clear, there's better beer, in Adelaide!

Melissa said...

Lol, this is the second time I've read this post and I'm still giggling to myself about the whole "sock being too small" thing!

I just have this image of you sitting on your bed, about to put your shoes on, and lamenting the fact that you only have one sock, as the other is too small, and the rest are far to dirty. Just staring at the floor with a puzzled gaze, unsure how to continue with life after this setback.

I think I think too much.

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh! Gotta go in class....err.