Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Went to see MirrorMask this evening with Davina and it was FANTASTIC! i guess I have to say that I didn't know much about the story before I went to see it, only that I knew Shannon said it would probably be great. Neil Gaiman and Dave McKeen are quite the talented folk. Granted I've read one of their children's books, but i don't know much more about them except again from what Shannon has told me. I recommend this movie though to anyone. It was so fascinating!I was intrigued by the story and the fantastic art the whole time. I couldn't have asked for a better date movie to see with Davina! Overall we had an excellent time. I don't know how many times I can say that it was great! I don't know what else to say, except go see it! I was glad that I did!

Anyway tomorrow must head back to school. :-P Fall break was nice. I had a lot of good social time with Davina and it was nice to see Kareem again and also the family although I did not see much of dad. He was very busy with scouts. sigh... oh well. one more month and I'll be back for some thanksgiving. One thing I did not get done while here was getting a start on my genogram assignment for Abnormal. Oh well. Well looking forward, I guess, to getting back to Luther. Did some shopping with mom today, got a haircut (nothing drastic), had a good dinner and then saw the movie. Was not very productive today, but whatever. Starting the trip back to school with some lunch with Kayla and Tyler and then home to Luther we go. Once I get back it will be back to studying.... got to finish up those assignments that are due on friday! gross!

I think that is all. sorry nothing else interesting.


ps. one thing I decided this weekend... while at the 90s... malibu and coke... SO yummy (this is why I made mom buy me some coke while at the store today ;-)... now I just gotta go get some Malibu!;-) )


Melissa said...

Dude, i discovered blogger has a spam blocker!

Use it =)

Other than that, i can honestly say that your life is inherently more interesting than mine at the moment! Keep up the good work!!! That gay 90's stuff sounds like a whole lot of fun (as does Malibu and coke).

I got my hair done today, dyed it red! It looks AWESOME!

Cheers from me to you =)

Luv Mel

Bec said...

so happy you saw and loved mirrormask, also so jealous. i miss you heaps em! malibu and coke muy bien! guess what my friend got me...a coloring book and a box of crayons, it made me think of coloring in your room! smiles! you rock! luv ya!