Thursday, September 28, 2006


so i thought this was really cool...
My buddy Will whom I met while in Adelaide, who is also a fellow frisbee player, luther alumni and Twin Cities resident, set up this site for ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) His dad has the disease. This weekend there is a walk to raise money for ALS. I have the link to Will's site. ALthough most of you who read this are from out of oh you know Australia, and it might not work for you to make a donation I recommend you check out the site and the links on the page. It's pretty interesting.

HOpefully that link works. But yeah...check it out if you feel. Thanks for your time.

Friday, September 22, 2006

pet peeves of the road.

* correction from last time... it might be about 4-5 of my friends who have been shat on by guys lately. (Trace, we need to get together sometime soon. I hope you are well. Oh and you should visit me at work sometime...;-) )

well enough of the angry boy talk...

how about angry driving talk? ha.
lately i have not really enjoyed driving, although I do find it pleasurable at times, but mostly only when there are not other people around and I can just cruise down the open road for awhile and take it all in. :-) One of my happier driving experiences was when Leah and I left Luther after NordicFest and just cruised on out of Decorah with the warm summer air and bright summer sun flowing in through the windows as we stuck our hands out into the open air and listened to the vocal stylings of Jack Johnson...

Driving int he city is a whole different story. I have gotten better at it and I find myself more aggressive which pleases me, that I have learned to drive better in the city and the suburbs but I still can't stand more than half of the other people on the road. It's been raining lately and people tend to forget how to drive when that starts up. I can't stand people going under the speed limit. That is quite annoying. It's right under my biggest pet peeve while driving. People who don't use their signals! why do you think they put the damn things in your car?! Along with people going under the speed limit ... I can't stand those who go above the speed limit and find it their right to ride my ass as I am going the speed limit or even above! jerks. argh... I don't even know how to really explain my frustration in words, but if you've ever ridden in a car with me driving you'd probably understand.

If you think about it...driving is quite dangerous. Really. It's a bunch of humans, who are not perfect beings, who error all the time, operating a big (however many tons) metal vehicle. I think most people take it for granted every day. But I reckon I should start thinking about it more and being thankful that I am not dead from driving around a bunch of idiots. Of course I make my mistakes too. Like today when I probably could have gotten hit by another car while I pulled out in front of it. My claim though... the jack ass was driving a grayish car on a very gray and rainy day without his headlights's kind of hard to see that kind of thing. Anyway... Not that it needs to be thought about constantly but it is something to think about the next time you get in a car and start driving. I do not trust people on the road. I liek people. I took four years of psychology to get a degree becuase I find people interesting but I like them the least, it seems, while they are on the road. I'm always wondering what is going through their minds while I yell at them from behind my steering wheel. At least I don't creat road rage. ..

Monday, September 18, 2006

not common sense

i haven't had much to say lately, nothing interesting enough to get a comment...but i will say this...well these few things that have popped into my head:

I am so ready to kick a guy in the balls. I hope no nice ones get caught in my war path but I am about ready to do it. a few of my closest friends have been shit on by boys over the last few months. yes boys. I will call them that.They are not men in my mind. I don't know. A lot of shit goes down in many relationships, and I can see how one forgives someone. but damnit... i'm just kind of pissed with what has been going on lately. One of those boys I knew fairly well. And next time I see him I don't know if I should kick him in the balls, punch him in the face or give him a hug. Augh!

and another thing totally unrelated...

i can't stand the bad rep that psychology, psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists etc. get from mostly the media. Damn you tv and movies! Psychologists and psychiatrists in this form seem to be portrated very much in the manner of being a bad guy or insane. Theydo not get credit in the movies or in real life for helping people or 'saving lives'. It's not a 'real' science to most people. It's not 'real' help, or medicine to some people. AUGH! and may i say that it's common sense! If someone who has never ever studied psychology can tell me the treatments for manic depression or how many types of schizophrenia there are and what their differences are, or the different treatments or theories of different mental illnesses, or at least ONE psychologist (other than Freud) and what their contribution to psychology was ... then it's common sense. I'm so sick of people looking at me funnywhen I tell them that I have a psych degree. Ah.. screw them. I want to help people in one of the most difficult ways possible! The mind is a terribly hard thing to explain and deal with and everyone has GOT to know that! so bullshit it's common sense! (heh...and that whole 'common sense' thing came from my friend at work who is studying art. psh.. I wouldn't even call art 'common sense'..i'm not that mean) so yeah. Too bad it's not all common sense and not everything can be cured by exercise and vitamins (tom fucking cruise - thank goodness he finally apologized to Brooke Shields. Maybe he does have a good bone in his body). The mind is a very difficult thing to understand and it's Not common sense!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

a hairnet.

well lets see what's been going on...oh plenty but I'm sure I'll forget half of it.

Saw the girls on Saturday and it was fantastic! I spent most of the afternoon with Kayla shopping in which I ended up buying my first real purchase of make-up and then I had some amazing tea and then found Tim Tams (which were NOT labeled as Tim Tams..just as Arnott's chocolate biscuits) and some Twirl and Flake. YUm! I am in heaven now...Now that I can get Tim Tams and Cooper's in Minneapolis! YAY! It's great. Dinner and going out with Kayla, Maris and Kris was great but I got really freaked out while driving. I had had a few drinks before going to pick up Kris from the airport. So I was a little nervous when I had loud noises in the car and then there was a detour to and from the airport. Once in uptown , after taking probably THE longest way to get there we went to WIlliams and had a good time. Tried a couple of other pubs but weren't really feeling it. Came home and had a bit of ham salad then hit the sack. According to Krista I snore :-( For some reason I got offended by this. :-P We went to breakfast the next morning with Krista's mom Luann and sister Lindsey. It was great. So nice to see them again!

Sunday I had to work so it was probably good that I didn't drink heaps on saturday night. The day went by pretty fast. Work was SO busy! :-P bleh! And that's about all that happened that day. It was also Natalie's birthday and we had planned to go to the Gay 90s but Nat was not feeling well. So we plan for the pub sometime this week to celebrate :-) I ended up just getting into my warm bed and watching a movie instead of all the 9/11 tv specials that were on. I just didn't think I could deal with all of that. So yeah, I watched Out Cold instead. I think I am just hoping for autumn and winter soon :-)I've enjoyed the cooler weather lately, but it is supposed to get warm again soon.

So back to the 9/11 stuff. Well that was Sunday for those of you who may have lost track of the days, and well I can't say that I have much to say on the topic. I didn't watch many things about it or talk about it all that much. I remember that day it happened and watching so much tv that night after school about what was going on in NY and it was SO devistating. It was too much to watch at once.

Another thing about work.. Met a new person...Sharon. She's great. I like her. We got to talking and she was so supportive when we talked about me getting a full time job that relates to my degree. Overall..she was nice. I liked her and look forward to working with her again.

Today I finally found a freaking hairnet so I wouldn't have to wear the hat anymore at work which makes my forehead itch. I got it just before work and put it on in the car. I got to work and was working away only to have my manager tell me it looked like i had lost it. He asked first if I had a hat, which of course I answered with 'yes. but i just got a hairnet today' Then he proceeds to tell me that he thinks I've lost it. I think he was kind of nervous about this. So I finish up with a customer or two and run around the corner to the bathroom to check. I still had the hairnet. THe thing is that the hairnet was made to be pretty much invisible. hopefully this is ok with my boss...I'll have to show him it to reassure him that I did not lose it.

um...besides all of that not much else going on. I haven't seen my parents much lately because of work. the gas prices are going down. I got paid last friday..YAY! but spent a lot of it already on random things. and that's about all i've got for now. i think. i don't know. i'm usual.

Friday, September 08, 2006


yesterday i had a day off.
I didn't know what to do with myself. I sat around most of the day with mom and just hung out.I enjoy watching The View when I can. I must say that the addition of Rosie O'Donnell to the View is pretty good. I like her. She kind of talks a lot but she's funny.

Work today was pretty good. Had an 11-7 shift which went reasonably fast. I met a new kid today who was pretty cool. Not gonna lie, to me, he was kind of weird, but i think i know who he'll get a long with. Anyway... it's interesting to watch someone new come in since I was new about two weeks ago. I like the feeling of knowing where everything is and knowing how to slice meats and stuff. I remember one of the girls that i usually work with telling me how she got sick of doing salads and enjoys doing Hot Foods more. I have to say that I think I'm getting there already. I'm kind of sick of salads, and i feel cool that i can do meats and cheese pretty well now. Still a few things I don't know but it's getting much easier ...but hot foods are getting more interesting. I think next week I'm schedule one day to do cheese. I am not sure if that means that I am to work across they way at the cheese place or what. at least I think that 'chz' means i am working with the cheese people. who knows.

Today, again, was pretty good and pretty interesting. Like the lady who wanted 16 pounds of roast beef! what?! Poor Jake had to SLICE 16lbs for this lady and then that wasn't enough, she actually asked for three pounds more of roast beef, totaling the amount to 19 pounds! hahaha. Jake made it through, he said he had worse before, but yeah... slicing 19 lbs of roast beef! :-P crazy! I also scared the shit out of Jake later while he was cleaning a slicer. It was time for me to go and I had just finished with my last customer who needed a lot of stuff, and so I go to tell Jake to help the next people who want sliced meat and cheese and just as I say "Jake" he gets startled and jumps. :-) I didn't realize you could get so intense about cleaning a slicer. lol. He said that he was just very relaxed, kind of in his own world so when i tried talking to him it startled him.

so yeah. that's all really. I am hanging with Davina at the coffee shop. Yay. So happy to have coffee and a friend! :-) I love these nights and days where I hang with D. She's great. I miss her. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow and hanging out with Kayla, Kris and Maris. It should be great! First I have to pick up my paycheck cuz stupid head here forgot to! :-P Yeah I'm a genius. Ok that's all i have to ramble about today.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

my yarn bag is full and happy...

...and so am I. Well happy anyway.
Mom bought me three new bundles of yarn and I am happy. I now have enough to make actual things. i already started a scarf for mom and a hat for Shannon (he'll need it. it gets cold around here)

other exciting news. work is going well.
Krista will be here for a very short time on Saturday night!
I get to hang out with kayla pretty much all day on Saturday! (and all night)
I get to go for coffee with Davina on Friday night!
I think i get paid tomorrow!
Natalie's birthday is on the 10th and we're planning on going to the Gay90s
for her birthday!
Got a random phone call from Tracy today! We haven't talked in ages! Hope you feel better soon though Trace!
And i really think that's all I've got for now. I can't think of much else to talk about.
Some things good. Some things weird.

overall... good.
I have yarn now. I get to make things! :-) YAY.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

milk or beer?

my dad posed a very real and very serious question/scenario last night at the dinner table.

now I'm sure I know what you all may be thinking... that the question would be about what am I going to do with my life or something... but let's be serious... my dad isn't that serious. He's happy I have a job and he supports me in my search for a job that will pay me crap because I want to help people and which will barely help me pay off my college loans. :-)

knowing my love for both milk and beer, the question/scenario my dad posed last night was this:

if you had milk and beer sitting on the table and both were about to fall off the table, which would you save?!

oh goodness I thought. Well i had to think about it... i came up with this: I would save the beer because it was in a glass bottle, while the milk is in a plastic carton. Thus there would be less mess and then both would be safe and in good condition. I thought I had it.

Well then Dad proceeds to bring up what if you had a glass of beer and a glass of milk...then which would you save?! OMG I didn't know what to say... I love both Milk and Beer. I mean... I've been drinking Milk longer, so was I to go with my long time friend that keeps me healthly and builds strong bones...or do I go with my new found friend of only a few years that has such a distinct taste and if larger amounts are drunk i feel as though I can do anything?
Let's be a little serious here...we could have gotten into it even deeper. If it were Skim Milk and a Cooper's Pale Ale I would be at complete odds...well almost. I don't know if I ever decided while at the dinner table. So I brought it up to my friends last night as we were out at this new pub in Downtown Minneapolis...

The ever-so-wise Rob made a good point. "You'd save the beer. Milk costs less..." He might have said something else but I was probably into my fourth Captain and Coke and the money point that he made was probably the one that hit my ears with a ding because I have no money (very little in fact that I don't think I even paid for any of my drinks last night. Yay for new bars that give away heaps of free drink passes! score!)
So yeah... save the beer... it costs more! Especially the Coopers. I mean damn.. I finally found it in Minneapolis and I am not letting that go. Plus I work in a freaking supermarket, where I get a discount so I could buy 'mucho leche' for a very good price. Good beer is not cheap. Now see if it was shitty beer like bud light or some shit like that I'd let the beer go and save the milk. That's quite simple...and that's a whole 'nother story ... if the beer cost less than milk I'd definitel save the milk. :-)

Yep. That's what I've been thinking about. I'm going to now go enjoy my saturday which has started well. No hangover from a beer, five captain and cokes, plus a shot. I got up at a decent enough time to watch Phil of the Future and The Batman. And now will relax with Animaniacs and then get my hair cut since I haven't cut it in ages. w00t! yeah for having saturday off from work! :-)