Tuesday, August 01, 2006

out of touch

almost a month and I haven't written. Not like it matters. I mean I haven't even gotten the traditional "update your blog Em!" from Melissa.

Anyway...things are well and needless to say I have been out of touch for awile. I just got busy i guess and lazy with the blog. I finally started to get interviews which have taken up my time and energy a great deal. I also made plans to visit Krista in Oregon and just got back today( i might write more about that later, but easily put...it was AWESOME! I missed her a great deal!) After getting back I went straight to a frisbee game and played in the rain. My spirits rose even more by seeing frisbee friends I hadn't seen in awhile! I was all smiles! and still am but am very very tired. There is much I can think of to write about but the fact that I am ill prepared for an interview tomorrow is nagging at me, and well this enormous lack of functioning is starting to wear me down...thus i make the trip to bed. More to come i suppose if anyone is still reading


Anonymous said...

we're all still reading - so blog already! :-)
miss you - see you soon.

Melissa said...

i reading. i uni student. i clever. i not nag for blog updates =S