Monday, August 21, 2006

it's not that different

well no one has bugged me to update the past few weeks. But while Shannon was talking to Shannon on skype, schwarz mentioned I hadn't updated in awhile. I must say that I am quite flattered ( i think is the word i am looking for) that schwarz still reads my blog.

Anyway, most of you read Mason's blog probably and have already read up on his adventures here in the U.S. So I feel as though it's kind of ridiculous to re-write what he has already written since he's been here in Minneapolis. But i will share the highlights that I think are quite fun.

I think the funniest thing since shannon has been here was his reactions to the products in the supermarket and his excitement and utter confusion, and wonder at the idea of cheese in a can. :-) 'Easy Cheese' as it is called or as my siblings and I called it when we were litte "squeezy cheese", is ... well cheese in a can. Shannon was quite baffled by this idea wondering if it came out all foamy like whip cream does from a can. It's hard to explain the consistency of Easy Cheese. It's not foamy like whipped cream. It's kind of slimey in a way... ummmm like...well it's not a liquid , and it's not like ketchup (tomato sauce for u aussies ;-) ) but it's not very solid either like real cheese. It's somewhere in between. Anyway we got some cheese in a can and brought it home for Shannon to taste. As some of you might know it was quite a spectacle. Pictures were taken. My family sat around to watch... i'm sure the dog was even excited. I think he liked it, but really it's quite salty and the crackers we topped were pretty salty too. Besides his reaction to the Easy Cheese, while in the supermarket he 'oooed and awwwwed' at the crazy things we have here that he had not see over in Australia. Needless to say it was all quite entertaining.

Well besides that excitement i've tried to be a good host and have showed shannon some of the sites around here. Went to the art museum the other day, have had dinners with my family, and got him heaps drunk at my friend Rob's. I have never seen Shannon that drunk before so it was a new experience for me. I pressured him to drink water over and over again and then finally we both passed out. Back to the museum bit though.. i have to say that I am just crazily impressed by art. I don't know how people think of these things, and how much patience they must have to create these beautiful works of art. Some I just don't understand. And overall i just cant help but look at them forever...paintings from hundreds of years ago still in good condition and done SO well. I really enjoy the ones that have to do with religion and bible stories. Particularily with Jesus. There are quite a few versions of stories about Jesus and it's really interesting to see how different artists portray them. I don't know...they're just REALLY interesting to me. I'm also quite amazed by marble sculpture! How did they do it! especially from ancient Greece and Rome?! it's so beautiful! I got to see what I hope is an original of 'Veiled Lady' ( i think it's lady, it might be woman, but whatever you get the idea). I have seen this sculpture, well at least a replica of it in the newest version of Pride and Prejudice and just love it. It was so awesome to see it up close and personal, well at least the head of the veiled lady. It's just... wow... how they make it look like someone is veiled in marble sculpture is beyond me and I LOVE it! I like wondering and just staring at art for long periods of time :-)

Something that was pretty funny this week was when we went to see 'Snakes on a Plane'. So funny by the way. Shannon, Natalie and I met up with my good friend Will and a group of his friends for the midnight showing. Will is in love with Shannon. Hahaha. ok so NOT really but they met on Tuesday night after my frisbee game at the bar. Will was over in Adelaide studying post grad stuff while I was there. We are frisbee buddies. I *heart* him. He is good people. Anyway... So Will LOVES Australia, of course, he dislikes very much Baseball, but loves cricket. Will proceeded to talk to Shannon about cricket and his love for the game. Because of this he decided he was in love with Shannon :-) which he told us a few nights later while we were at the movie. Well I thought it was funny anway. I laughed.

Tomorrow Shannon and I head to the Mall of America to have lunch with one of his mum's friends I think. I actually have somewhat of a shopping agenda for the mall (one store) and so it should be pretty entertaining. We have also just recently learned that one of the liquor stores around here has Cooper's! O M G! :-) Mandy who i went to school with at Luther also visited Adelaide (a year before me) and loves the Coopers! She apparently found some at this liquor store near her new place in Minneapolis! I have been to this liquor store and have not seen it... maybe I have not searched hard enough.So we have high hopes in finding Coopers tomorrow afternoon. I hope our journey will turn out successful!

i reckon that's all I have for now. Not too interesting. oh yeah... I had a birthday last week. Last Saturday. Drank beer friday, chilled with Shannon and the fam on my birthday and it was great. i got good stuff from friends and family. It was a lovely birthday. 22 does not feel that much different that 21... A lot of my friends will actually be turning 23 soon. HAHA oldies! oh well. I like being young.

oh and I had orientation this weekend for my new job. w00t! now I have to call in and schedule hours. Hmmm a task i should complete tomorrow. This also means that I need to buy new clothes and shoes to wear to work :-P bleh. Am still searching for that full time job, and h opefully it will come soon enough. I'm really looking forward to it someday! I'm rambling too much...check shannon's blog for a better update on what we've been up to.
that is all.
p.s. where have you all been?! where's the love?! ;-)


Melissa said...

I'm still here!! I still have love!!!

Trust Shannon to be amused by cheese in a can.

Why does he talk to Schwarz? Schwarz is mean. Although he might not be quite so mean anymore because he's been hanging out with this bird lately. She might be able to scrape the cynicism off him with a... well, a scraper.

New blogs!! (online journal one) (where I write rants and random thoughts and analyses of pop culture and stuff like that)

Anonymous said...

Blogs are a great way of keeping tabs on people without actually talking to them. Plus I have an excessive amount of time on my hands.

Absolutely nothing to do with this 'bird'. I care.

Bec said...

i am glad you had such a good time with shannon, i don't think anyone still reads my blog but apparntently troy who aside from shannon is the only one who has left comments lately and i miss you heaps, hopefully we will talk on the phone soon. good to hear that things are going well with you :) and hi mel and shwarz, since you are responding to this blog i figured it would be the best way to say hi to you two.

Bec said...

i just reread that, it made little sense, but the point is that the only one who reponded was troy who i have never met, ok, no more silly mistakes now... i hope...