Sunday, August 27, 2006


I love having Sundays off of work. I hope a get a lot more! After working 25 hours in four days i was happy to have a break. I spent the morning racking my brain for answers to the sunday paper's crossword puzzle. Shit it can be hard. It's a fun activity to do with my dad though :-P I spent most of last night trying to figure out the rest of Saturday's crossword...i was really mad at it and at the internet last night, and then I started thinking about work and got mad about work. Weird huh? Why was I mad at work? Well... I like it I really do, the people are nice and so are most of the customers, but sometimes i feel like my coworkers, the ones around my age, just don't seemt to enthused by me being there. The two people I have liked the most so far are older women. They're way cool. One has similar interests as me...well she used to (maybe still does) work with Chemically dependent people. And then there's Sue (her name tag reads 'Suzie Q.). She's sassy and funny. I like it. She asks me about life and what I'm doing. I like her. Everyone else is nice too, don't get me wrong ( Barb the cheese lady always smiles and says hello to me..:-) )but yeah the kids around my age I think are mostly high schoolers, or at least younger than me to an extent. I don't know I think I'm a little socially awkward at first anyway, and well they've all been working at the deli longer than me so clearly they know eachother better. I think maybe we're all just socially awkward at work. I dunno, at least Jacob introduced himself to me yesterday, he was missing his name tag, so that was good to at least know his name so I didn't have to call him 'hey you' if needed. Anyway I got this silly idea last night that the rest of the younger kids don't like me. It's probably really ridiculous, but I don't know...they're not that friendly and well i feel like a complete idiot when I ask them questions because they already know most of the stuff. Meh. That's all i've got about work (which seems to be the only thing that I write about lately...)

Job searching hasn't gone that well lately. I got depressed yesterday while I was trying to get stuff together. I apparently had other things on my mind. I'm trying to write another cover letter for a different job with an organization that I interviewed with earlier. I don't want to come off as a flake and turn in the same cover letter or one that is too similar. Sigh...such is life. I just feel bad when I don't change my cover letter much. I realized that I should also put the deli clerk position on my resume now too. sigh... so much to do. :-P

I was somewhat productive today...even if it didn't have to do with writing cover letters and resumes... I returned a gift (bed sheets...too flowery and bright!) Then almost bought more pants for work...but didn't and instead bought a nice shirt, the Gnarls Barkley cd, and the Aristocrats dvd. Good purchases I think. Then I brought some school books to the second hand book shop to try to get some money for them. I got a whopping $5. I know I paid way more for those bastards... oh well... the $5 got me some coffee at the shop next door which is where I am currently writing from. Sadly I finally gave in and am paying money to use the internet for two hours. I can no longer pick up the signal from Panera next door. Damnit!
Not much else has been going on. I haven't hung out with anyone lately. Have been spending most days and nights to myself since Shannon left. Everyone I think is getting ready for school again and what not. I dunno. I enjoyed working on the crossword and just chilling watching a movie last night which i am sure is what I will do tonight too. I don't work until 4 tomorrow, not that that really means anything... I guess I get to sleep in again. nice.


Bec said...

sounds like work is keeping you busy... glad it seems good, sorry you are a little sad, i think it just sorta happens at this point, we were really certain about things until about 8 months ago, then it is like, where am i going? what will happen next, i am feeling the same way, once school and work settles i will try and come visit so that i get a break and you get to entertain more :) ok, miss you heaps... and lots of love of course, enjoy your coopers!

Melissa said...

Lol, job hunting sucks and working with people who are younger can be a bitch (believe me, I KNOW). Keep your chin up though, things will all turn out sweet.