Monday, August 07, 2006

Amber's visit in a nutshell

in an effort to be less out of touch I give you this new blog entry... It hasn't even been a FULL week since the last so I reckon I am doing well.

There is not much to write about except, of course the fact that Amber is here! w00t!
We had a bit of a ... umm... fiasco?... well maybe just an issue with picking her up from the airport, but after spending a half an hour at the airport looking for her, then driving home, driving back to the airport, going to the wrong terminal, then the correct one, I finally found her and we headed back to my place. (in the process of it all there were many shitty drivers on the roads ... :-P some people should just NOT be allowed to drive). We didn't do much that night, in fact I think we just decided to go to bed after a chat ... we reckon... we don't really know...

Since Friday I have gotten Amber drunk with my friends (so fun. 'hmph' - says Amber) Of course we had heaps of fun though. My friends seem to have something against Jersey though... not quite sure what...but Amber was able to defend herself just fine. After an interesting night of beers, shots, random happenings, celebrating Josh's freedom, and having Amber told that she had an 'aussie' accent (so not true) , i sobered up and came home. The fun continued with a bit of time spent online, of which I had my first chat with Shannon's brother Troy...well it was mostly me typing for Amber who had issues with the keys. :-) She maintains that it was mostly due to the fact that she was kneeling on the floor, but I did offer her a chair... so enough said. Anyway I left her to the computer before bed and she ended up signing herself off on accident... whatever, we went to bed.

Sunday... After some yummy scrambled eggs Amber headed to the softball fields with my brother and I to watch us play a game with the friends from the night before. Although Amber did not play and instead read and watched, I think she also spent most of the time figuring out what it was that she might have said or done the night before. That and figuring out who everyone was while sober :-) (by the way she is being SUCH a good sport with this blog as she sits and watches me type it... cuz she has nothing better to do with her time... because I am not a good host and have no idea what to do with her, although she says I am and that she's had fun... i dunno.. she could be lying, but I doubt it :-) )

We came back to watch Pride and Prejudice (which she had never seen! what an outrage! ok so I'm obsessed...and maybe she's not like me :-) ) After dinner with the fam, which gave Amber the ability to really see what I am like and how my family functions (she now has one up on me... probably realizes why I am the way that I am... many many bad jokes ... i think she survived.) Natalie and Jeff came over later to meet Amber and to watch a movie. It was nice to see Jeff again because he has been in FL forever. Hopefully Amber did not get too sick of our 'gossip' talk. We watched Mirrormask, chatted awhile longer, then split... we were all pretty tired. So tired that I have a sandal missing because I am quite sure that Natalie ended up putting on one of her sandals and one of mine. I just noticed today when I had only one brown sandal and a mysterious blue one...hmmm I don't know if she has realized it yet...

Today, well today was a trip to the Mall of America. w00t! It was the one thing that Amber mentioned she wanted to see and really it's one of our only claims to fame here in Minnesota. So Natalie joined us and we drove out to it. We didn't spend much time there because none of us had much of a shopping agenda. Let's face it...we're all unemployed... (ok well Amber is only partially unemployed... ok so we all have jobs...we're just not working them yet! sounds ridiculous huh?!) we then tried for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts... Oops... me being really stupid forgot that the museum is closed on Mondays...this I also mentioned to Amber on Saturday after I checked the times that it was open. Yeah.. I'm on top of things. OH well... so we went to a bakery in Uptown and had some food and drinks and then made our way home. Amber and I watched tv, got sick of real tv and put in Clone High again to pass the time. We went out to dinner with out my family and had a nice time chatting. One of my favorite parts... Amber realizing why all the stuff on the walls was Chicago-related. The name of the restaurant is "Old Chicago" Heh. And now I am boring her with my boring life and typing of this blog. Who knows how we will fill the time tonight, probably hanging out again...we're both too god damn indecisive... but we like eachother so hanging out has been just fine. I think that is all. She leaves tomorrow afternoon for Jersey again and then I have two and a half days to figure out what to do with Shannon when he gets here. :-P I'll try harder to figure some things out... it would be terrible for me to bore a foreigner...
Yes that is all...


Bec said...

sounds like you guys had an awesome time, someday the three of us will actually get together...
oh, and it is pretty hard to bore shannon, he's too easygoing and nice for that, plus he will tell you that he just wants to hang out with you and it doesn't even matter what you do, don't let him fool you though, make sure to show him the town ;)
miss you heaps...

Anonymous said...

I'm difficult to bore, but I reserve the right to be boring. And foreign.

Anonymous said...

god :-) update your blog!