Saturday, June 10, 2006

things are getting a bit more exciting ...

well first... the Twins won tonight! YAY! 7-5! Thank God! 12 innings...but they won. Thanks to Justin Morneou!w00t!

Now although I've been crazy stressed about getting a job... things are not too bad. I got a postcard today from one place saying that they were considering my resume! Yes! Two... another place sent me their information for me to look over and i think I have to fill out some stuff. It's with the Lovaas Institute here in the Midwest! Yay! Lastly on this topic... AJ's boyfriend Nate is helping me out with my resume and said he'd help me get it out there. Clearly it needs a bit of work. My objective is pretty...well it's too... broad. So I have to fix that, but i'm getting excited that people are considering me! I've gotten random emails about Financial Advisor jobs, which although I feel loved that people want to interview me for that's not what I want. But yay to the two organizations that contacted me! YES! I really hope that I get an interview!!!!!!!! Now I can feel less stressed! It's crazy how stressed I have been. Now I understand how Kayla was feeling when I saw her last! goodness! Natalie had an interview with Mayo today for a research position... she won't hear from them for two weeks! She said she was so stressed/nervous last night that she didn't fall asleep til 2!!! I know the feeling. I've had issues falling asleep lately too! Ahhh ! I reckon it really is just this whole job searching thing. I can't believe how much it could affect me!! whew... again i feel much better. What helps is probably that I have had a couple beers this evening before and during the game...:-) It was such a fun night overall. I am to be out with others, but the game didn't get done til 11:30pm and well i might as well try for sleep.. (shoot I'm rambling)

Other topics. .. looks like Grandma Pat and Grandpa Orv stopped by tonight and dropped off a graduation card for me... how nice! what is even nicer... and I don't even know how to thank them for this... they gave me $500!!!! holy crap! That is SUCH a generous gift! I don't know what to do about them! I feel like such a terrible grandaughter! I don't see them that often and they give me that much money for graduation?!?!?! wow! I think I should put all of that into savings! Maybe now I will be able to move out by the end of the summer after all.! I better not get my hopes up TOO much...if i don't get a job with these places I applied to who have made contact I'll just totally bum myself out... not going to lie.. i forget what the actual job was that I applied to for one of them.:-P i better check on that. Anyway... i guess that money from my grandparents doesn't make me feel too bad now about the fact that I spent $40 on cds this afternoon.. ummm yeah.. lets see soundtracks to Pride and Prejudice and Elizabethtown and then a Jeff Buckley cd. I am too impulsive!

ok i think i am done rambling. Hopefully this excitement won't keep me up! God do I need to sleep! i think that is all i have to say...


Bec said...

good luck with the job hunting... miss you heaps and i really hope that once i am back from my two week family vacation and amber is back from australia we will all be able to get together again somewhere. you rock my world!!!!!

Mikey B said...

OMG. Emiline. That is soo nice of you to have a link to my blog...You rock my world!!!
I wish I had more things to actually write about lately...but, AJ already stole my blurb I was going to write including "High School Musical".
Speaking of which, we all NEED to watch that!!!