Saturday, February 04, 2006

look what I can do!

Hey Welcome my LAST semester at Luther College! w00t!
Classes so far seem pretty cool. Three Psych courses, a soc course and my senior paper! The psych courses are great, sooooo excited for them! The Soc course... i dunno. I'm not really enthused but...meh. Senior paper... here's hoping i can get it together! Rather I have to get it together! I wish I could write about a billion different things! Eek! Better get it together.

First weekend back... has been SO good! We had such a fun night Friday night. Baker was FULL of parties! Us, our neighbors and some guys up the hill! We hit all of them and it was great. SO NICE TO DRINK BEER AGAIN! I spent so much of j term just drinking sweet drinks that having a mostly ALL beer night was great! my love to the Corona! I had the joy of showing people a neat trick i learned from Fiona and that would be getting a beer bottle to stick on the wall in the corner. People were AMAZED! I felt sooo cool. I kept putting them in all the corners I could find. I ran out of good corners and well i got a little too drunk to actually be able to get them to stick. But one is still stuck which makes me super happy. check it...

Yeah that was fun. Anyway... what else?

Ever have that ever growing thought of whether something is worth it or not? This has been comiling in my brain for awhile now...How do you determine if something is really worth it? Instant graticfication? with the lack of delayed rewards? I dunno. I think it is worth it. Maybe I hope too much.

oh and by the way...Vanilla Ben and Jerry's = so good ...and... The Narnia soundtrack also = so good!

i've got nothing else. Love!


1 comment:

Melissa said...

The beer bottle trick rocks!