Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Krista Rocks My Face OFF!

so today was a very good day. I got my learning and behavior test back with an excellent grade! that studying REALLY paid off! yes! Later after studying for a couple hours after class I came home to find my room FULL of colorful post-its. They were everywhere! Krista, my loving friend and room mate decided to put post-its all around my room with random words and some phrases. It's quite colorful and just really awesome. She did this for some random reason...and also she knew that Shannon and I had done it to Sunny while I was in Australia. Although her spelling is a bit in question it was still an awesome thing to come home to! I love it when friends remember random things! It's awesome and I love it and Krista is the best. here are a few photos for those of you who would like to see. Also if you care you can kind of get a feel for what my room looks like...:-)
Yep so here's my bed and dresser... um that big poster was not made by krista ... that's finger painting fun from the beginning of the year. I needed something to put on my wall. So colorful! This is the closet. That row of post its neatly placed at the bottom spell out "India has a coast". Yeah one day I randomly asked if India had one. Why? I'm not sure. (Krista has a sense of humor) She stuck them everywhere. All over my photos from Australia next to the flag, but I reckon the Jesus painting was unharmed.Yep, the door, she has written out in the ones placed in rows, "wanted to say i love you" She's precious. :-) ok so I had one more image but it wouldn't up load. That one is more of my desk and the post-its covering that area. Anyway this is the place i call home full of post-its . Thanks Krista! she's a legend!




Melissa said...

Ahahahahahaha, that is legendary!!!

What a tripper!

Bec said...

reminds me of adelaide...we will chat soon, i miss you heaps... I LOVE EM!!!!!!!

Bec said...
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Anonymous said...

THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must've taken quite some time to do. Hahahahahah.

P.S. I think your room is cleaner than mine! bleh!