Saturday, November 26, 2005

did I miss something?

so I'm quite bummed and quite sad and confused about these bad reviews that RENT the movie has been getting. I realize that this is the second time I am talking about this but really I'm wondering if I missed something. The review I read in the City Pages this evening was wretched! I was so sad. For one I had a hard time following all the play on words that the guy was using. Besides that though I just felt sad again when I finished reading it. The guy ripped apart Jonathon Larson and his work, and the message of the play. So I'm beginning to wonder if I completely missed something when I started seeing the play on stage... I always felt like it gave a great message and had a lot to say. Granted it came out on the stage years ago... I dunno, I still feel like there is a good message there and I very much respect it. I'm beginning to wonder if these people who reviewed it had ever seen RENT on stage. I just kind of wonder exactly why they did not like it. I've decided in general that I can't trust newspapers and magazines and news shows in general. Facts are always different in every place and how are we to ever know what the actual truth to a story is? How am I to know that what the guy said in the City Pages review of RENT is true? Especially about how Larson wrote? And then I read the good review in this weekend magazine that comes in the paper that says only good things about RENT, mainly because it's the cast reflecting on the making of the movie and play and what they think it means. Along with that is a longer excerpt from Julie Larson, the sister of Jonathon Larson. Do I believe her and take what she says as truth? Do I personally only look for mostly the good things in a story? AM I just plain ignorant to things and life in general? I think I just have to sit in the middle of it all. Although I think I lean more towards the happiness and good that can be found in the movie and play rather than the bad things that the critics like to pick out. I guess I"m not much of a critic. Sometimes I reckon maybe I need to be a bit more critical about things, because maybe I'm missing some points or am just too damn ignorant to life. I don't know. I was just quite disturbed or upset or something by the bad reviews. I apparently couldn't handle all the bashing. I again wonder who these people are that reviewed it. Did they ever live in these situations? Have they ever been a struggling artist like those portrayed in the movie/play? Did they live in NY in the East Village? I really kind of want to go visit New York and see the place where it's to take place. I want to know if life is like that for struggling artists. Back to being a critic... really how fun can life be if what you do for a living is be a critic? Life seems like it could be so ... I don't know... boring...and just not fun. But who am I to say who is good or bad, right or wrong? I guess I'll just stick to what I like. I liked RENT and that's all that really matters. I think the message is still relevant and it's still amazing. Whatever that's what I think. I like it so to hell with the critics.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Em my sweet darling, it's all a matter of opinion!

In this instance it seems that some jaded jealous broadway wannabe saw the movie, found the message didn't appeal to his cynical view of the world, and therefore decided it was only ethical to write his opinion on a movie he'd probably been assigned to watch in the first place.

That's all a review is after all. Don't take it to heart! Watch RENT and be merry!

Luv Mel =D