Thursday, October 27, 2005

yay for academic advisors!

so i started a post last night but didn't finish it, and this one has nothing to do with it either but I just wanted to share my joy. I talked to my new academic advisor today about internships and registering for next semester! Although it is scary to think about next semester and about the future whether or not I will go to grad school it was super awesome to chat with him and have him be very supportive of the things I want to do. The thing I was most happy about was that he was cool with me not having a specific direction in psychology and that I am open to pretty much anything. And really why shouldn't I be? I don't know that much about psychology. Just what I have learned in classes and well I'll take all the real experience that I can take in all different forms. Plus why would I want to settle on a specific area when I haven't even experienced any of them?! Oh and it was also really good to hear him say that my plans of taking a year off and either working or interning is a good idea! YES! Dr. B is my new favorite person!he was very helpful and I am just full of appreciation for his advising skills! :-) That is all I have to say. going to look for classes now so that I can have an idea of classes. it definitely isn't going to be a slack semester next semester! :-P


Melissa said...

YAY for doctor B!

Anonymous said...

Aww! I'm glad you have someone who is supportive of you. An awesome academic advisor is just about as cool as things can get. Well... ALMOST I say, there are cooler people. Ahem. :) (And it's not me of course!) I am really missing you right now. I totally feel like having coffee in uptown. Well, Dr. B gets a high five!