Friday, October 14, 2005

i'm getting the BEST christmas gift this year!

Well made it home to good old F-town this evening after a good three hour car ride with Joanie, Kayla and Tyler. It felt good to roll into town and immeadiately see the lights again and also to head out to get coffee with my FAVORITE coffee buddy of them all Davina! One of my favorite things to do at the coffee shops in Minneapolis is to pick up the flyers for different concerts and art shows and what not and also to pick up a City Pages to see what's going on. I was so excited (but then so disappointed ) to find some amazing concerts coming up! as in... Ben Folds! Oct. 25th, Bad Religion w/ Pennywise and AntiFlag Nov. 9th, and let's not forget BTE, Ben Lee, Our Lady Peace, and 311. I was mostly excited for the first three, but of course they are on week nights when I will be down in Decorah! AHHHHH I want to see BR and Ben Folds SOOOO BAD! I love Minneapolis. I don't know if I can ever leave! I know I want to live hear again after school even if it's just for the night life and the concerts that come into town! SIGH... here's hoping i can find a way to these concerts or something! AHHHH Maybe I will just devote those days to those bands by listening to their music ALL day! It's just not the same though and I've only seen Bad Religion once! How good would a punk concert be?! AHHHHH ! :-) And how can one not love Ben Folds?! Sigh... again...

Anyway so after some good fun at the coffee shop Davina and I decided that we are both getting sick. Hopefully I am not really getting sick...but it kind of feels like it. Other stuff about home... so many people's yards are full of cut up branches and trees, no doubt from the big storm that passed through a few weeks ago! We even have some in our yard! so crazy. Davina tried to explain what her neighborhood looked like that day. SO I get home from coffee, get online and start to check my email. I find an email from Kaz (Karen, my dear friend and frisbee captain from Australia--amazingly cool chick!). Not only does she tell me she has my Adelaide Uni Frisbee club shirt in and that she will send it to me if I shoot her my address, but.... here's the best part... KAZ IS COMING HOME WITH WILL FOR CHRISTMAS! (this is the best christmas gift I am referring to) She'll be in the cities for Christmas! !!!!!! Not only will I get to see Will, but I get to see Kaz too! I so hope they come down to Luther to visit, but if not I really hope I get to see them in general! I *heart* these two SOOOOO MUCH! I'm SO SO SO SO SO excited! To top off this excitement... it was great to come home and find messages on my phone from friends and my sister saying they are excited to have me home. THe plan for the weekend.. coffee in the morning with D along with some homework, an art show with my sister around 1ish, hopefully dinner with mom later, and then I really really really want to go see Mirrormask which JUST came out in theaters here in Minneapolis! It's playin in Uptown! yay! Oh and Sunday night... Gay 90s here I come! soooo pumped! My sister is going to go too and D! Will hopefully meet up with Kayla and Tyler too. I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I am in love with life right now and all of these things that just happend. I can't even express enough how excited I am for Christmas now. I Love Kaz and Will! Oh joy!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe. I am sitting across the table from you!! Way to be studious while I eat my bread bowl that has no soup in it!