Friday, September 02, 2005

I *heart* my room mates!

so the first week of classes are over. Ok not the first full week of classes, only the first three days of classes! anyway things look like they will be good. I have already slacked a bit on doing some of my readings but that's ok I will survive. Today's plans... well I made a list of homework and things I need to get done but nothing has gotten done yet. Britta and I ate breakfast for about an hour this morning and watched ER, and two eps of Sex in the City. It was all happy and not to sound like a downer I have this terrible feeling that the show Sex in the City is just fucking with me right now and that it will get sad again sooner or later. Have this sneaky feeling Carrie and Aidan will NOT get married (oh shit, I'm obsessed! make it stop!...oh but it's so fun to watch!)

On top of that I *HEART* my room mates! They are all so fun and so crazy. Las night all but two of us went out last night. Krista and I hung around for the night and watched a movie. Good times. Anyway the girls have wanted to get a chance to talk to Shannon on the phone. So they got lucky last night since he was around. He rang and Marissa, Kayla, Britta and Krista all got the chance to say hello to an Aussie. (am still hoping it wasn't very awkward for shannon to talk to four girls he has never met). Anyway it was all pretty funny especially since Kayla was a bit drunk at the time too. The girls are just fantastic and I love living with them! This is going to be a great year!

i'm off now... Britta calls and so does some frisbee socializing i think...

love to all~



Melissa said...

Something tells me Shannon didn't have much of a problem talking to four interesting exotic American women too much!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're having fun!!