Friday, April 08, 2005

Traveling Gal...

Well here I go... I'm off bright and early Saturday morning at about 6am for my first long traveling excursion here in Australia. IES is taking our group to Tasmania for the next week! I'm very excited to go and can't wait to see all the IES kids and hang out in what I have been told, beautiful Tasmania!! We leave Saturday the 9th and will be back on the 16th. I'll be in Adelaide for that Saturday and then after that I take another trip out to Perth with my friend Blair! I'm so excited for the next two weeks! It's going to be crazy not being around Aquinas and Adelaide, I love it here, I'm going to miss all the friends from around here, but I know I'll love the traveling bit!

Tonight is an exciting night before I head off tomorrow morning...I'm going to a Ben Folds concert with some friends and then there is a Frisbee pub crawl that I'm sure I'll make an appearance at before heading to bed at some grossly odd hour in the morning, only to get up to catch the but to Melbourne with the IES folk! That's about all I have for now... I'll try to update while I'm gone in Tasmania but if not, I'll do my best when I get back Saturday! Have a great week everyone!

much love!


Anonymous said...

Have a blast!!! That sounds like an awesome way to spend your semester break!!! :-) yay! You will have to tell us all about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily-
I've been so busy I haven't been able to read these for awhile, but it sounds like you are having a great time!! I'm totally jealous. :-) Pasta for Easter, that is a little different! Where's the ham and mashed potatoes?!? lol
