Thursday, December 29, 2005

the holidays

so it's been awhile, but I don't think anyone has really been on lately. Everyone I'm sure has been busy with the holidays. I myself have not been online much since I have been home. I have enjoyed being home though. Seeing friends from high school has been good. Getting to see Natalie, Davina, Jeff and even Ben was awesome! Mind you I haven't really seen Ben for at least a year but it was still pretty cool, pretty chill and it felt like old times. Hanging with Jeff and Nat at the bar was pretty awesome too. Seeing most of Fridley at the bar was kind of crazy, but whatever still had fun.

Geez I'm not sure if I should even talk about the past week. SO much has gone on. Have been working mostly. Had to work in Refurb today! :-P Gross. I hate working back there, and not just because all I did for 8 hours was look at watches but because this lady that works there is SO annoying. She's very negative and in the 8 hours that I was at work today I don't think I heard her say one postive thing! I reckon she needs a job change! Last week...Wednesday was pretty eventful. I got drunk by 9ish, went home by 11 and got up for work by 6:30 and suffered the whole day through a hangover! :-P ugh! that's what I get though. Besides that...ummm ...

The holidays were good. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were the same as usual. Nothing too different. Much time spent with family and friends. so overall a good time. Have been knitting a lot and love it. Finished making my first knitted hat the other day. Finished another on Tuesday which is actually a little big, but it will do because I do not want to take it apart again! :-P I started another hat on Tuesday also with some yarn that one of my grandma's got me for christmas! :-) finished two books that I started a long time ago! God's Politics and In a Sunburned Country. Both great books. Have now moved on to The Bell Jar , which is very intriguing so far... I"m enjoying it.

I have nothing good or meaningful left to say (not to say that the above is really that meaningful...) Going to the eye doctor one last time Thursday and am taking the day off work. One more day of work after that, then the week, New Years and back to Luther. w00t! that's it.


Melissa said...

Em my pretty!!

I finally have the net at the new house now so I should be able to read up more often now.

So glad to hear your holidays are going well. I just back-read some of your posts and that guy sounds like a total jerk. I woulda been all like "dude you're a total jerk" if I met him. But I didn't, so it will have to wait.

I love a sunburnt country!

(A land of sweeping plains... it's a famous Australian poem). I should probably read that book one of these days. I'm sure it's culturally significant to the vast Australian world I grew up in.

The Bell Jar is also really cool, I myself started reading Shannon's copy of it months ago and never got around to finishing it. You've convinced me to give that a go now! You clever goose you!!

Cheers to you Emmy,

talk to you soon =D

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed you!!!!!!!! We will definitely make the most of my move to Rochester!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed you!!!!!!!! We will definitely make the most of my move to Rochester!