Saturday, December 17, 2005

exams 2&3, and home...

so the last two exams last week went fine.
nothing special and yet nothing terrible. Got my Abnormal assignment back with a good mark on it though! :-) That was Thursday and once I was done, I packed up my stuff and headed home with Krista and Kayla. We sang to RENT most of the way home. Happily we made it home safe. It wasn't snowing liek we heard it was going to be, but the roads were wet and dirty and so we had to make due with the water in our drink bottles and the snow (when we could) to clean the windshield when it got too dirty. May I recommend that no one ever do this! especially hurling water at the windshield from a drink bottle while going 60 mph! Oh what an adventure it was. I did freak out a few times when I could not see through the wind shield! It's quite scary. But like I said we made it to my house safe and sound, and luckily also with no puddles in the car (Krista really had to pee while we sat in traffic in Minneapolis for almost an hour! )

We had intended to go out for krista's birthday that night, and meet up with britta who had also driven to the cities. That didn't happy. krista wasn't feeling well, but her, kayla and I did sit in my house, ate ham salad, enjoyed some colorado bulldogs (courtesy of my Mommy!, yes my mum made us drinks!:-) ) , watched a Bond movie and then quite a few Buffy episodes! Oh what fun we had! We all had a good sleep, and then out to breakfast in the morning. Kayla left us at noonish and then Krista and I spent two hours drinking coffee and wandering/relaxing in a book store. OOOOoooh do Barnes and Noble have THE most comfy chairs! :-) we did mind less things like read trashy magazines! so good! Later I took Kris and her sis Lindsey to the airport. Went to dinner with the family and then out with my sister and Davina, which was SO good. We went to watch some lame comedy but then went to a peanut bar and had a great time just the three of us. Was soooo tired last night but stayed up until 2 and then got up for work this morning. Dad and I went in for a few hours and i was going off of four hours of sleep. We only stayed til about noon, and then headed home and then to Elaine and Wes's for an early christmas. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening eating, opening gifts and chatting. Grandma taught me how to do some more things with knitting so now I can do some different stitches and also make hats! well hopefully this first one turns out ok. Anyway... i believe that's it. I'm going to stay away from too much detail and head out. I reckon a movie and some knitting is what my saturday night holds! :-)
love to all!


1 comment:

Bec said...

i love you em! i am glade finals went well and yay for being done!!!! i miss you heaps... have an awesome break for as long as it lasts!(sounds pretty good already (: !)