Thursday, November 03, 2005

being pro choice doesn't make you a baby killer!

Just because I'm pro choice, does NOT make me a 'baby killer'

yeah i've been quite pissed off about comments not even made directly towards me about being pro choice. I believe in a woman having control over her own body. If the child has developed enough though I don't believe in terminating. If the child could live and function on it's own outsdie of the womb, then i say don't terminate. I'm sorry I just don't like being called a baby killer when i don't plan to ever have an abortion myself but that I believe other women can have the choice. And really how do I know if I never would? shit could happen where I think I would need to. I hope that never happens, but really... It bothered me even more that these baby killer remarks came from a man. A gay man at that. The thoughts that later ran through my head were that they will never have to deal with something like abortion directly. They don't have to worry about it happening to them or their partner! Granted he has friends that are girls but when he sat there just saying mean things, saying "you're wrong" and not being respectful of others opinions, well then I don't feel i should be respectful to him. Open your mind up! GOD! I almost wanted to tell him that his opinion didn't matter, but that would just be completely pigheaded of me. or would it?


Melissa said...

Ah the great debate about where life begins.

Conception? First tri-mester? Birth? A twinkle in a father's eye?

And as foetus' are certainly not developed enough to make their own choices as to whether they should live or die (a hard choice to make at any age), are we right in the idea that the parents should obtain that responsibility?

Who has the right to life? Who should decide these barriers and boundaries?

There's no one person who can be justified in making those decisions, and that sucks.

Anonymous said...

Abortion is always a controversial issue. My beliefs are that if you fall pregnant due to your own stupid mistakes, then really it’s down to you. My main concern about abortion being made illegal is the question, what happens to all the unfortunate women who conceive against their will? What then? If you ask me there’s too many do-gooders out there that care more about other peoples lives then their own, these people are worse than bloody P.E.T.A!