Monday, July 25, 2005

birthdays, frisbee, and stillwater fun.

Well what can I say? what a great past few days and an awesome awesome weekend! Friday night was Em's birthday and even though I couldn't go out to the bars after and was the only one under 21 i still had fun hanging out with the group of people and going to dinner. The next morning was a wonderful day. Although it stormed later that morning I was still so very excited because after driving over to Lauren's where I met up with not only her but also, Britta, Rachel and Sarah we all headed off to Maple Plain to play frisbee in the Aquatennial Frisbee tournament! We were playing with a bunch of Luther friends! SO good! Guys and gals from the mens and womens teams down at Luther for a co-ed team! It was sooo good to see everyone and to play some fun fun frisbee. We had a first round by and our first game was at 10:30 which is when it started to pour!!! So needless to say our first game was postponed for awhile.

After the first great day of playing frisbee we all went to Old Chicago together to eat. Later I went to Lauren's again and some of us girls watched the fireworks for the Aquatennial. They were soo good and there was sucha good view from Lauren's place! The next day was just as hot again but still heaps of fun! We only played two games but still i had a great time. After some of us went to Taco Bell as we tend to do after tournaments and spent quite some time there just chatting and eating. It was lovely. We then dispersed and most of us went to Lauren's in hopes of going in the hot tub. Sad to say we found the hot tub out of comission. It was actually gone. They are re-doing the apartment building she is living and making them into condos so heaps of things are being fixed or changed. Instead we went in the swimming pool and had a blast. I had quite the headache and stopped after awhile. Too much sun i think for me. After we said our goodbyes and dispersed I came home and crashed. Was soooo tired! Had a good 12 hours of sleep and woke up this morning at 9 feeling well rested but still sore.

I spent today not doing much at first except I did catch up with Blair, Bec and Shannon. Later I went out to Stillwater to spend some time with Justin since he doesn't work during the day. So we spent the afternoon chilling in stillwater and it was great. Got coffee and food, shared drunk stories. Spent time in downtown Stillwater walking around and going into some book stores where I found some great children's books. The second bookstore we went to was great and full of old books that all seemed very interesting! IT started to rain and so we headed to get more coffee, chatted with some of his mates for awhile and then headed back to his place. I left for home right after. it was pouring! But I made it home safe and sound and it actually didn't take too long! Came home to an empty house so I had time to myself. Wrote an email or two and later started to watch Garden State only to learn that my dvd is messed up! :-( so sad! oh well...

Overall...great day! can't complain. Hoping that tomorrow will be good and can find some work with the temp agency in town. Here's hoping!

much love,

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Haven't posted on here in a while...

Sounds like you're having a blast mate, your friends sound really cool!

Pity about your garden state dvd =(

Luv you mate,

Luff Mel