Thursday, July 14, 2005

Birthdays and concerts!

Hey all! Such an exciting day today.
1) today was AJ, Blair, Nick and Aunt Lori's birthdays!
2) Blair called me and so I got to wish her Happy Birthday! I Miss her and love her!
3) Went to lunch with my sister and her friends Mike and Jen. Yum food was good!
4) AJ let me have a beer at her house! ;-)
5) We were watching tv at my sister's place and I saw FOOTY on tv in America!!! So exciting to me... not so exciting to the others! I really wanted to watch it but yeah. (oh and funniness...we also watched some 90210 on tv and Sesame was good fun)
6) We went to the Aquatennial Block Party in Minneapolis and I saw Missy Higgins (she's aussie) and it made me think of the lovelies that I left back in Adelaide! Especially Sarah. I think the others liked Missy's sound which was cool. It was nice to hear an Aussie accent again! Oh andI bought her cd, got some good pics taken of her and also got her to sign my cd and a flyer! Woo hoo!
7) Ben Lee, Mike Doughty and Howie Day were all awesome too! It was fun going to a free concert with four great artists! YAY!
8) got to chat with Jon and Jo this evening and haven't talked to them in awhile! YAY!
Alright.. i Think that covers most of it. So in general it was a spectacular day! w00t! The rest of the weekend is going to be great too! Will relax tomorrow and then going to Leah's and sunday is the bbq! yum! well I better get outta here... love you all.


1 comment:

Joe said...

Goose! you crazy mofo! You saw missy higgins?? AND Ben Lee?? Snap yo, you might as well be back in OZ :) Miss you em, good to hear it's all good up north. Talk to ya soon!
