Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Just Say NO to Fat Free Cheese!

so i don't write here anymore really...well not since december and I'm getting told I should. But I don't reckon many people read this anymore. OH well. Today I had an idea for a post though and I remembered it so here it goes.

**** People should NOT be allowed to buy fat free cheese!******
so yeah, i work at a deli which all of you who read this know. This morning at work, one of my very first customers (actually may have been my was a slow morning) Asks me to slice her a half a pound of the fat free jalepeno jack cheese. YUCK! This shit is just nasty. First of all it's kind of rubbery. It was a REALLY weird texture when it slices. It just doesn't slice well any way, it sticks to our slicers and gets kind of clumpy andwell the shit is just nasty.

I'm sorry but who really thought of Fat Free cheese?! It should be against the law or should be a sin or something! How does someone even get pleasure out of eating that shit. I can't say that I've actually tried that particular cheese that I sliced today but I have had a taste of the Fat Free cheddar we have and it's gross. I also stole some cheese from a housemate once last year to use for chips and cheese and didn't realize that she had bought the fat free shredded cheddar until I tried melting it and it just turned all weird! bleh! I really don't see the goodness that comes from buying this shit! If you're going to eat cheese just eat the real stuff! it's so much better. Maybe buy the low sodium (which is also nasty, but a little better), but for heaven's sake! how the hell can you eat fat free cheese?! I really hope I never slice that stuff again.

so that's my rant on cheese. Just eat the real stuff people. it's SO much better.

besides my disgust for people who eat the fat free cheese... life is good. new job. yay! and that's about it.

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