Tuesday, April 18, 2006

the daffodils are blooming.

ok so the daffodils have been blooming for over a week or two now, but I just haven't gotten around to writing about them until now.

Spring is finally here and it is LOVELY. I am enjoying the daffodils next to Valders Hall of science and the green grass. Just got back from Easter Break today and saw that the grass looked even greener and that more plants were starting to sprout. Plus the trees have green sprouting on them again too. Back at home the same things were happening. I was pretty excited to see that the Lilac bush outside my window was starting to bud. I hope that the lilacs are still there and smelling good in May when I go home again! (last time I'll have to move out!)

Well also because of the beautiful weather, I can now start wearing skirts! w00t! I love my three skirts that i own so I've been looking forward to the warm weather so that I can wear them. I wore one last week and got three comments on it by 10:30 am! how nice! definitely made my day. I love that skirt! It's funny cuz it's nothing special, it's from Target a store that everyone probably goes to! Anyway...

now that I'm back at school the next two weeks are going to be HELL! gross! Senior paper is due on the 28th and i have three exams this week! augh! But happily after this week no more exams til finals which will be nice and I don't have any crazy final projects to work on. I think I like it more when I just have exams to study for.

SO Easter weekend was nice. Very relaxing and was spent mostly with the family. Ate way too much food again on Sunday but it was good and I had fun helping make the food. It was also quite nice to be at home and not have to go to grandma's although that makes me feel bad that I didn't care much that i didn't see the rest of the family. Oh well... After dinner we watched the ball game on tv and spent the evening just being lazy. I probably should have gone for a walk but really... laziness was more in the cards. That was about it.
I am sure that I have more important or possibly meaningful things to say but I'll save them since I should be working on an assignment or sleeping. mmmm sleep! Oh how I love thee! That is all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love spring!!!