Tuesday, April 25, 2006

anyone know a good school in Eurpoe?!

so after conversation with my partner and my professor after Tests and Measurement today I have begun to consider how cool it would be to go to Europe, preferably England, and get a graduate education over there. See the thing is how they view psychology a bit differently and i think it would be super cool to experience that! yay for awesome professors who make you think!

that's all i've got. not going into detail, but yeah i want to go to England for grad school. I'm really tired right now but going crazy from caffeine I think. It's 2:30am..!


Melissa said...


It'll be a good excuse for me to come visit you =D

Mikey B said...

How about me going to England also. That way you'll know somebody there...and we can develop cool English accents together...Deal?
Except, I will work at a pub for a living and teach the Royal Family gymnastics while you broaden your mental horizons through the open minds of good professors.
So, when are we moving?
Mikey B.