Thursday, February 09, 2006

going where the air is clear....

i wish I was going to where the air is clear! AH!

so today February 9th is a special day... One year ago today i left for Adelaide, Australia.
Thoughts about this trip keep running through my mind over and over...

I know this girl Sarah from Grinell who plays frisbee that is headed over to Adelaide. She probably already left, but jealous!

I can see the sites and the people again. Adelaide is such a pretty city.. i loved it!
Seriously I can remember it all. The first people I met from my program. The first time i remember seeing Bec. The first time Amber, Dave and I tried to find our way back to our rooms only to have Haggis? show us the way. Living in Roche for a few days. The walks around the city, Rundle Mall and the uni campus. My first sausage sizzles, and seeing Will for the first time, and to be greated by a big hug from him, saying 'come play frisbee!' and 'here i'll show you around Rundle mall'. OH the beginnings... i could go on forever.

My journey began one year ago today and I wish I was going back. But I am not. i must finish out the year at Luther college...sigh... i miss it!

Oh and one year ago on the 11th is when I actually arrived in Adelaide... (might as well say that now and save posting about that.)

1 comment:

Bec said...

i remember it all to and I wish I was going too. we should all get together someday when we have time and money and fly to australia and hang out with everyone. i wish i was going back and i am so jealous of everyone that is. i say karen woods. she was in california and we went out to dinner, it was so good to see an aquinian. i miss you heaps, we have to get together! much love!