Friday, September 23, 2005

saving the world? and soulmates

first of all I need to say how much I *heart* Bad Religion and Flogging Molly and Ben Folds. I have pretty much been constantly listening to all three this past week. Love Love LOVE them! All great music.

Anyway here are some things from the past few days.

Wednesday after a depressing video in Biodiversity telling us how we are overpopulating the world and will kill it by doing so Leah and I chatted about how we could save the world. Leah told me she would do her part by being a repulsive human being so as to not have any children, thus bringing down the population. I mentioned maybe we should get rid of plastic surgeons because then we don't have to worry so much about beautiful people who want to procreate. hmmm good theory huh? The best part of this discussion... on how to save the world... was Leah's quote "Saving the world one dateless friday night at a time". :-) Believe me it was really funny at the time. Kayla also chipped in some insight to this theory when I discussed it with her later. According to her we won't overpopulate the world because of natural disasters. She said it kind of like when the world or God decides that there's too many people on the earth, they do a little population regulation and send out a natural disaster to get rid of some people (ie the Tsunami and the hurricanes) This might not be a good thing to joke about...but really... it's a fairly decent idea. Population control via natural disasters?

Another thing. Kayla and I have determined that we are soulmates. Academic soulmates anyway. We sat around one night doing homework and chatting a bit and we both realized that we have pretty much the exact same attitude and outlook on life when it comes to academics. We're both have B averages, we sometimes feel like idiots around smart people who like to use large words, and we both had a bit of a difficult time trying to get our point or arguments across to people. I don't know if I had ever met anyone on the Luther campus that had these same thoughts. So many people here say they're such "bad students" or are like me when it comes to academics but really they're not. Kayla...she's for real. This probably seems like such a random thing to talk about but it was quite enlightening and just good to hear.

It's parents weekend and well my parents are not coming. It was however they're anniversary yesterday and I did not tell them Happy Anniversary or anything... no card either. I'm a bad daughter. So since my parents aren't coming I get to hang out with everyone else's parents! Ma Pa Schaffmeyer came last night and brought heaps of "hippie food" as they like to call it. It was nice to see them again! YAY! Well it's off to go see Britta's birthday presents and start the day of studying/hanging with people's folks.!



Anonymous said...

Miss you!! Happy Birthday to Britta!!

Melissa said...

I feel like that too!! Especially since I study an arts degree and know mostly engineering students. However, I'm not intelligent in the same way they are, my talents lie in other places, and I think I can be successful in the right industries. That's all that really matters in the end right?

I think most of us that feel this way are people who don't have a completely dedicated attitude towards study, rather than being less intelligent. I mean, if we weren't intelligent would we have gotten into university in the first place?? Nope!