Wednesday, September 14, 2005


So today is Kayla's 22nd birthday. YAY! :-) If you don't know Kayla she is one of my roomies and my new friend. I did not know Kayla until this year and I feel like I missed out on her awesomeness! Anyway exciting times for Kayla's birthday! We got up heaps early this morning and ate breakfast together (everyone) and had mimossa's. Mmmm champagne and juice! Tonight Marissa is cooking Lasagna for the house and some other friends. It should be great! 1. I *HEART* Lasagna, and 2. someone else cooking a nice hot meal for me?! EXCELLENT! Love to Maris! Anyway ...

Besides birthday fun it's been a weird week. I can't think straight. I am having a complete mental block over my senior paper! Eek! There are very mixed feelings I have about it. I thought I had this great topic but now I'm thinking...meh, it's not so great, maybe I want to change it. And I though I had a topic to change it to but now I'm thinking...shoot, it's not a solid topic!

My Mind is Blank! -- not a good thing when i am supposed to have an outline by tomorrow afternoon and well now I'm meeting with my professor any how because I told him via email that I'm rethinking my topic! Eek! I'm very excited to write this paper but I want it to be GOOD! So good that it rocks my face, and my advisor's face off! Not only that but anybody else's face who might read it! It's scary thinking about leaving school after this year and getting a job but then I also think of the great opportunities I could have and find if i would just look. I sat in Abnormal Psych yesterday thinking about how cool it would be to get an internship with a clinical psychologist. My friend Sarah is doing one starting soon. Our Abnormal professor is also a clinical psychologist and so it makes the class very interesting and that's who Sarah is doing her internship with. I"m thinking maybe I'll do an internship over J Term even though i really want to be here. I have to start dealing with trying new things. Clearly I did fine trying a new thing for five months: Australia! Duh! Oooh and about cool to get an email today about having a get together with other people that went to Australia for a semester to talk about experiences and about our programs. Other fun about Aus... was watching "Jeff Corwin Experience" on Animal Planet Tuesday and so cool to watch him in Aus, in Adelaide and then KI. It was quite exciting to sit there and point at the tv and say "i've been there! I rode on that ferry! I saw that site! I LIVED there!" SO GOOD!

alright it's already a quarter past 10 and I haven't done anything I was supposed to yet. As in study and get a check cut for the frisbee tourney this weekend! (that's going to be HEAPS good and I'm sure I'll write ALL about it when I get home!) Love to all!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Emily I've updated my blog twice, you owe me another update =) .