Monday, September 19, 2005

the grinell tourney

well this is a couple days late but i had to write anyway....

The frisbee tournament at Grinell this past weekend was FANTASTIC! we took a team of... 16? girls and had a BLAST! <---- check out the photo! Most of our team consisted of new players but they, and we still did amazing and we even got compliments from other teams! Overall I had such a blast that it's hard for me to explain in words. Not only did I LOVE playing in a tournament again with the Luther Women's Team 'Glad Bestandig' and that I got to be playing with my friends from last year, but I got to meet heaps of new girls too! I now have like 10 new friends and people I have to say "hi" to while walking around campus. I had a blast with these girls. Everyone wanted to play and was excited to play, we had fun car rides -- dance parties in all, great conversations, good times camping and...although our team NEVER goes to the party... this time the WHOLE TEAM went! Most of the men's team went too so we could interact not only with our other Luther team but with all the teams! So good!

Basically I can not explain in any other way than by saying that this weekend was AMAZING FUN! I'm pretty tired and can't really think of much to say either except that i loved playing frisbee this weekend and it was good!

That is all.


Bec said...

That sounds awesome!!!
miss you heaps and glad things are going well!
much love!

Melissa said...

Hey Em!

I don't play Frisbee but I wish I could go to the party where the boys were!!

Sounds like you had a blast dude, good for you!

I will now declare my love for handing assignments in and not having to do them anymore.

The end.

Love Mel =)