Tuesday, June 06, 2006


well here is one thing I can be somewhat happy about:
It's a comfort to know that the United Methodist Church is taking a stand on gay marriages. Go them! I was happy to read this article in the paper yesterday that said the recent conference for the UMC here in Minnesota recognizes gay marriages and the ordination of gay clergy. I guess I'm pretty damn proud to say that I was raised Methodist. We were always taught to care about others and I remember doing a little study group or something with people at my church and trying to learn more about what our church was about. What came from that was learning that there is a focus on social justice. Social justice definitely has to include, at least for me, diversity also! It was sad to read, however that the UMC congregation is declining. I guess people care more about their own personal relationship with God than doing things for others. I recommend reading the article (the link is above) if you so choose...because it clearly explains things, unlike me.

So that was something to be happy about, but then all of a sudden I become ashamed, disgusted and disappointed with a Methodist. THat's right, our president claims himself as being methodist. After what I have learned about being methodist, I do not find him to be a good one. Oh yeah, and then, get this... he is trying to get an amendment passed that would band gay marriage!! http://www.startribune.com/587/story/473463.html People seem to think that same-sex marriage will ruin the institution of marriage. All I have to say to this is that it is only 'ruining' your very tight-knit, closed-minded, idea of marriage, which seems to be a very Christian based idea. it's just the majority's uneasiness of something becoming different. Heaven forbid there very diversity and differences in this country! Wait... isn't that what we are supposed to be about?! I have to say i am getting utterly, utterly confused as to what the ideals are for this country!I just don't get it. I'm at least pleased to have read in the article that Senator Mark Dayton will not support the amendment. They vote on it later this week.... sigh. i still just can't get over people not accepting others. Gay marriage is not going to ruin our country. All we're doing it just excluding people from soemthing... again! Our country seems to be good at doing that. I reckon I could have even more to say but I'm just... too disappointed and down right sad to discuss it anymore.

lastly.. on a random note. I can't stand sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. Hoping for an interview... job hunting sucks.


Mikey B said...

Emily...You are down-right a damn good person! I think that sometimes it doesn't matter what religion a person is brought up with or even how somebody is raised by their parents in some cases. Some people are just more open to learning and accepting others for who they are.
You and your sister are definitely amazing people and I thank God everyday that I know the people that I know and have met the ones I have met.
Love ya dear...Mikey B.

Mark D. said...

I had to...

Just a couple points for a little counter in your blog - if you don't mind! =)

"All I have to say to this is that it is only 'ruining' your very tight-knit, closed-minded, idea of marriage, which seems to be a very Christian based idea."

When you begin with the assumption that anyone whose viewpoint differs from your own is "close-minded", there will always be very little room for intellectual growth.

The irony of your post is this: you call on Christians to accept other people, while denouncing those Christians who believe gay marriage is contrary to the will of God. If you profess blanket acceptance, I think you should begin by practicing what you preach. =)

"...i still just can't get over people not accepting others."

As a Christian, you should be the first to understand the vast difference between accepting a person, and accepting a person's actions. It is true that we as Christians are called to accept homosexuals in our churches - as we understand that no one is without sin. However, to suggest that the church should accept homosexuality and the subsequent actions associated with it, is simply misguided.

Now, if you - as a Christian - believe homosexuality is NOT a sin, I would challenge you to bring biblical support for that theory before asking Christians follow the Methodist logic on this issue.

"All we're doing it just excluding people from soemthing... again!"

By this I assume you believe "banning" gay marriage is somehow "discriminating" against homosexuals. This is a lie and I will tell you exactly why...

Whether this fits what you want to hear is up for debate, the term discrimination does not apply to the issue of "banning" gay marriage. Homosexuals have the EXACT same selection of potential partners that heterosexuals have. In other words, a single gay man has the right to marry the exact same people as a single straight man.

To discriminate is to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit. When a law applies to everyone in a society - when everyone is treated the same under that law - it fundamentally can not be considered discrimination.

I encourage you to read a little post I wrote entitled "The Gay Marriage "Discrimination Lie"

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I'll kill it there because I could go on for days! =)

Aside from all the debate, I do understand that you feel compassion toward homosexuals. Believe it or not, I do as well. However, my compassion is not overcome by the urge to allow human desire to override biblical truth.

We are all learning and no one has all the answers. I certainly don not. However, as Christians, we have the Word of God at our disposal and should consistently seek truth through Him.

There are a plethora of argumentative points against gay marriage that have nothing to do with the Bible, however, as fellowship between Christians, I believe it is crucial that we discuss every issue as it applies to scripture.

I'm done. =)