Monday, May 01, 2006

could the rain please stop now?
well after a weekend full of rain and frisbee... i'm pooped. Oh regionals...
we played all day saturday in the rain, wind, and cold. What an experience. One of the frisbee girls was awesome enough to let us stay at her place, which we basically trashed, but no worries we did clean it up. But a group of 16 girls with wet, grassy clothes? that makes quite the mess. The weekend was good besides crappy weather. We played quite well but there were some upsets. Happily i got to see Will and he is always SO calm about frisbee so that made me feel ten times better, plus it was just nice to see him again.

well before the weekend, exciting things turning in my senior paper. I almost can't believe it's done. It wasn't as crazy and stressful as I thought it was going to be, which is nice, but yeah, it's done. WOW. I turned it in Friday afternoon, after realizing I probably needed an abstract which I quickly typed up and then print, and off to the registrar to turn it in, sign the posterboard, and grab a sticker. Oh sweet day. After that? celebration! well first it was off to two more classes, but whatever. I took a drink right after I turned in the paper and kept on doing so the rest of the day. I was hitting the 5 o'clock by 11! Oh cheap vodka... One of my favorite memories from the day.. 4pm. I met up with Leah and Britta to hang out on the steps of Main to watch kids turn their papers in with in the last hour... nothing too exciting happened, but it was still pretty cool. We sat and drank and visited with friends who came and went. Watched some of the frisbee guys burn their rough drafts. That was exciting. i lent them some vodka to get the fire going. What was my favorite memory by far though was at 5 o'clock when the papers were due, out came the 5 o'clock Vodka and Leah, Britta and I all took shots on the steps of Main. That has got to be one funny memory.

And that is my life for now. Have a project due tomorrow that I'm finishing up tonight. Well basically doing all of it tonight, but it's alright, nothing else due tomorrow. Two weeks of class left, then it's reading day, finals for me on saturday and tuesday and then I'm done! I feel like this went by SO Fast! crazy crazy year! I am hoping that I will find a job, but that hasn't happened yet, have some resumes to turn in this week and hopefully I will hear something. But if not, the plans are to take a couple weeks off after graduation. Go to Zoe's wedding the weekend after graduation and then maybe out to see Blair! I hope these plans work out!!!! I miss Australia friends so much! It's almost been a year since I was there and it's kind of hard to believe. whew!

oh and Mel and Mike... I'll do my best with the England thing... I'm actually planning on talking to a professor about it and maybe the study abroad office to see what they have to say. i think it would be sooo cool. :-) much love

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Do it do it do it do it