Thursday, April 06, 2006

the rest of spring break and so on...

so after 11 hours of traveling home from st. louis i spent the rest of the week doing pretty much nothing... So it was quite the relaxing spring break. I drank a whole lot of coffee, tried to work on my senior paper a bit and hung out with friends. My favorite nights were seeing Lauren, Kim and Will, having coffee with them and getting a chance to catch up. I can't wait to be in Minneapolis again and have the chance to hang out with them more. They are great great people. The other great night was hanging out with my sister, colleen and mike and having a few beers. It was pretty simple, but it was pretty good. Kris spent the night on friday and we watched movies and Lauren came over to watch movies the next day, then it was back to Luther. Mom and Dad brought me down which was nice cuz dad was gone most of the week because of work. On top of all of that i watched some pretty ridiculous tv. enough said.

since break... I spent sunday evening and monday morning freaking out about school and trying to catch up on assignments and readings. Happily I got them done and since Monday things have been good. I feel at ease about school again. My work is getting done and i don't feel too busy.
Wednesday was a great great day because it was SO nice out! it felt like a friday not only because of the weather but so many people were just outside hanging out, having fun and there was a bbq for the seniors at the commons just up the hill from us. I love living in Baker Village here on campus and i love the atmosphere of friends! :-) Part of me can not wait to graduate and yet there is still a part of me that longs for the community of Luther College.

speaking of graduating... i've picked up my cap and gown, along with my's getting weirder and many things to do and so many responsibilities! :-P eek! But it's also a good feeling, kind of. It makes me feel older and the responsibility factor makes me feel good sometimes, like I'm actually doing something, and getting things done! I had a career center meeting again today and it went really well. Thank god I had them look at my cover letter! My wording was terrible! Anyway, so things are progressing along there and i keep looking for jobs but boy does my resume need some tweeking!

On kind of a sadder, more downer note... Although i feel like I am playing my heart out and that I'm in some of the best shape that i have been for frisbee, the start of the spring season has been really hard. People aren't showing up to practices so we can't get our act together! ugh! Today was our last practice before sectionals which are this coming weekend. Let's just say some of us are scared that we may not make it to regionals and well personally i REALLY want to keep playing because of the fact that if eel like I am playing so well... is that just selfish? i dunno i just really wish more people were showing up and taking the game more seriously but also having fun. ANother downer is the relationship between the men's and women's teams. The men seem to think we are a joke. Today the two men's teams and our team were all trying to play on the pool lawn and then of course not that many women showed up so the guys weren't too happy with us taking field space and then while standing between our sidelines they were making fun of us i guess. None of it I heard but one of our captains sure did. It's just frustrating to have them not be supportive and not respect us and overall that there isn't a good relationship between us and them. Some of the girls were really hurt, especially a few who are really good friends with a couple of them men. Sigh...At least later at dinner we (the women) were able to laugh about it a little. It just makes me sad and makes me look at some of the men that i consider friends a bit differently. There was a time when the men's and women's teams sat together after practices, and when we shared cars on the way to tournaments and both cheered for eachother during games. Instead of dwelling on it too long I try to keep a positive attitude and just remind myself that i was busting my ass during our practice today. even if i couldn't throw.

well now I'm going to go do my homework with Britta, in the commons, and have a beer. i *heart* beer.

1 comment:

Mikey B said...

It was good to see you for Easter, Emiline.
You tell those guy players not to be such a-holes!!!...p.s. when are you going to have a game that AJ and I can come to watch? Any in town around here anytime soon?...or are you going to be doing any games in the summer at all that we can go to?
Anywho, take care of yourself and enjoy the rest of the nummy potatoes....mmmmmmm potatoes. I'm hungry, so I got to go...I'll write back to you the next time I get a chance to read your blog.
Smooch...and Yes, I *HEART* beer as well!!!