Thursday, March 02, 2006

nothing special but it's an update.

haven't posted in awhile. felt i should.

life has been good. School is going well. It's just nice to start the semester off with decent grades on exams and assignments. Life has been pretty chill. The senior paper still hangs over my head, but I am more positive about it than last semester. It is sometimes constantly on my mind, just thinking of things I would need to include. I have more research than I did for the other paper already, so it's got to be a good start right?

I'm itching to get out and play frisbee. Spring needs to get here sooner! Indoor frisbee has been heaps of fun though. We've won quite a few games and will play in the championships on monday! w00t! go us! It should be a really interesting game. I love frisbee. Britta and I just had a talk about why we like it. Spirit of the game. That's what it's all about and it pains us to see people who do not play with that in mind and get way too upset. :-(

i keep thinking about what it is I want to do with my life. I have yet to make an appointment with the career center and to fix my resume. I really should do these things and try to find something interesting for a job when I get out of here. Three months left! weird! I really hope to move to Minneapolis and get a place with some friends and be in the city. Although saving money for awhile isn't a bad idea either.

Some things that have bothered me lately... my sociology class. I am not a fan of research methods. I feel like i don't need it. I wish i didn't .I don't plan to do research, especially in the field of sociology. Well that's what I think so far. Anyway... I got so pissed at my professor. Not only is he boring and random in the first place but when he used the word 'crazy' while refering to a psychological test that helps psychologists to determine if someone has a psychological disorder, i flipped! ugh! I'm sorry that is just so... what't he word? ignorant?! yeah i think that sounds right. GEEZ. i just can't stand hearing that word being used to describe someone with a psychological disorder. He's quite the character. I don't think he likes our class much but then again I don't think our class likes him much.

Life is good for the most part. And that's all i really have to say. I'm very happy about things and am enjoying classes. I've really got nothing else to say.


Melissa said...

Emmy my darling!!

Your professor does sound like a dick!

I'm sure your paper will be the most insightful thing ever written (if not, life goes on!)

The beauty of sport is the fun in playing it, and the attempt to be your best, not winning. Winning is for dorks.

Don't think uni being over in three months is weird, think of it as three months away from working and earning money to visit me again!!!


Love Melissa =)

Mikey B said...

Hello Emiline-
AJ's Mike here. Yes, your prof. sounds like a complete wanker!!!
On the lighter side, your sister can't wait for you to get home...she brings it up a lot how she misses you.
When you get back, we all need to hang out for sure.
Oh, and you HAVE to teach me the bottle trick that you wrote about in one of your previous blogs...or at least show me. It rocks!
Take Care lil' Smuder.
Mikey B.