Tuesday, February 14, 2006

thoughts on...

new favortie athlete: Shaun White (the kid kicked ass in the half pipe at age 19!)

most exciting news heard today: Jill, who works with my mommy ( i used to work with her too) is getting married to Dan (a guy that works at the same place) So cool. They're really nice people.

thoughts on valentines day: Really not that bad of a holiday. Although Hallmark has put it all out of whack and kind of defeats the whole purpose behind it, I must say that I really like this holiday because it gives my mum a reason to send me candy in the mail! so fuck all the bitching about the holiday... i got candy and I'm damn happy about that! Moms are SO COOL. Oh and doesn't really matter about not having someone on valentines day! PSshh! that's what friends are for, and I have them all around. w00t love between friends!

new favorite song at the moment: No Direction, Bad Religion. I'm just overly in love with the band. also am in love with Thirsty Merc at the moment. I am SO glad Jess made me that cd before I left Australia. they are super fun to listen to.

best part of yesterday: just sitting/laying and listening to Missy Higgins with Krista. Taking the time to listen to the lyrics and the music. so peaceful. there's nothing like taking in some great music and not doing homework or running around the house or something while listening to it.

scary part of the week: first counseling exam coming up! freak out! I don't want to do poorly! I LOVE that class and the professor! It's such a good class with such good people! eek!

scariest part about life right now: finding a senior paper topic. SHIT! I have ideas, but whether they can pan out is another thing. Plus I am such a wuss and need to get some balls and feel comfortable about talking to my professors about this stuff. Although I will congratulate myself on actually asking my Tests and Measures professor for help on the stats stuff we have been doing in class! go me! But still I need to gain the confidence to talk to my advisor about how I am terrified about this senior paper thing! It's just weighing me down... but with the advice from Melissa 'you only have to get a C and you'll be fine'. True and it is only one effin' credit, but I don't want it to suck!

constantly on my mind: Australia and my friends and really who are we kidding, but a certain friend a little more often than others! :-P (just being honest, i can't think of everyone in the same way)

latest impulse buy: ok so I don't have one, but I really really want to buy Mirrormask! it comes to dvd today!

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