Tuesday, November 29, 2005

nothing much...

so now that I'm over the whole bad reviews for RENT, I think i can stop talking about them. But now I just realize I don't have much to talk about...

Yesterday was the first day back in class after the Thanksgiving break and it went just fine. I got home after work and was SO tired though. Pretty cranky too. I am proud to say that I actually did three hours of homework last night to catch up on some reading assignments for psych. I went to bed at a decent hour and let myself sleep a little longer than usual. Am just kind of taking it slow this morning before I head out to study, then class for a little while. I love Tuesdays... I don't have to work! Which means I get the whole afternoon to myself after Lab!:-) w00t! oh the little things.

It snowed again last night! So pretty! The snow makes all the dead stuff look so clean and fresh! :-) Here's a photo from the first time it snowed down here (which was not last night) . Cool huh? I have to say that it was pretty funny showing these photos to Shannon online the other day and having to explain to him what snow is like. Oh you silly Aussies.;-) But yeah it's great and I love snow.

Here's another photo to share although it's not snow. THis one is from the Missy Higgins concert which was WAY fun! She's so cool and so I though I'd share a photo that I took.
Yeah, she's pretty cool. Anyway that's all that I really have for now. Nothing too interesting. I'm behind in time now actually even though I was taking the morning slow...:-P need to get some studying done before class. Much love to all


Saturday, November 26, 2005

did I miss something?

so I'm quite bummed and quite sad and confused about these bad reviews that RENT the movie has been getting. I realize that this is the second time I am talking about this but really I'm wondering if I missed something. The review I read in the City Pages this evening was wretched! I was so sad. For one I had a hard time following all the play on words that the guy was using. Besides that though I just felt sad again when I finished reading it. The guy ripped apart Jonathon Larson and his work, and the message of the play. So I'm beginning to wonder if I completely missed something when I started seeing the play on stage... I always felt like it gave a great message and had a lot to say. Granted it came out on the stage years ago... I dunno, I still feel like there is a good message there and I very much respect it. I'm beginning to wonder if these people who reviewed it had ever seen RENT on stage. I just kind of wonder exactly why they did not like it. I've decided in general that I can't trust newspapers and magazines and news shows in general. Facts are always different in every place and how are we to ever know what the actual truth to a story is? How am I to know that what the guy said in the City Pages review of RENT is true? Especially about how Larson wrote? And then I read the good review in this weekend magazine that comes in the paper that says only good things about RENT, mainly because it's the cast reflecting on the making of the movie and play and what they think it means. Along with that is a longer excerpt from Julie Larson, the sister of Jonathon Larson. Do I believe her and take what she says as truth? Do I personally only look for mostly the good things in a story? AM I just plain ignorant to things and life in general? I think I just have to sit in the middle of it all. Although I think I lean more towards the happiness and good that can be found in the movie and play rather than the bad things that the critics like to pick out. I guess I"m not much of a critic. Sometimes I reckon maybe I need to be a bit more critical about things, because maybe I'm missing some points or am just too damn ignorant to life. I don't know. I was just quite disturbed or upset or something by the bad reviews. I apparently couldn't handle all the bashing. I again wonder who these people are that reviewed it. Did they ever live in these situations? Have they ever been a struggling artist like those portrayed in the movie/play? Did they live in NY in the East Village? I really kind of want to go visit New York and see the place where it's to take place. I want to know if life is like that for struggling artists. Back to being a critic... really how fun can life be if what you do for a living is be a critic? Life seems like it could be so ... I don't know... boring...and just not fun. But who am I to say who is good or bad, right or wrong? I guess I'll just stick to what I like. I liked RENT and that's all that really matters. I think the message is still relevant and it's still amazing. Whatever that's what I think. I like it so to hell with the critics.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I don't have the words to describe really. What I can say is that... I NEEDED this! A break, friends, a sister, a concert, a coffee, and a movie. ( i probably could have used sleep too, but we'll over look that for now)

It was so nice to leave Luther today and make my way home with Leah and Krista. It felt good to get away. THe weather was great, and the ride was a bit long at first, but we managed. We saw Krista off into the care of her sister and Leah and I headed to find my sister and to see one EXCELLENT concert, provided by Missy Higgins. Not only was the venue great, the beer tasty, and Missy's accent a warm reminder of those I miss, but her show was AMAZING! She's, as Leah said, probably "cooler than I'll ever be". It was definitely a nice little intimate concert with Missy Higgins. So good to have her explain some of her songs and just to hear her live again! And of course I loved listening to Aussie talk.

We said bye and happy turkey day to Leah and then headed for coffee and home. SO nice to see mom and dad, and to find some photos from the summer and earlier this fall that mom had taken. Good memories. Oh and let me not forget my phone call from Davina, with some of the most hilarious news!" He's NOT getting married. THey broke up! " -- at least that's one more I don't have to worry about.
And then.......

To Lakeville... almost an hours drive... Why?

Well, To see RENT! of course.......
All I have to say, is that I loved it, and I always did. Mad props to Jesse L. Martin and Anthony Rapp. Kudos to Rosario Dawson, I didn't feel let down. Adam Pascal... how could I not like thee? Overall? L-O-V-E-D... LOVED it! RENT is just amazing in itself. I reckon Jonathan Larson would be proud of what RENT has accomplished and how much more it can. I refuse to have anyone tell me it was a crap movie or that putting it on the big screen is selling out. I can't express myself very well, so just take it as is. Again, i needed this. And it was definitely a great day. NO doubt that I need sleep tomorrow. I said I would work Wednesday morning. :-P It's 3:30 am! I leave for work with dad in 2 and a half hours! I'm sure I can make it.

No Day But Today

Monday, November 21, 2005

something new...

this is just real quick. I decided to be like Mel and do something different with my blog. Hence the different colors and such. It's actually a bit refreshing. The black background was getting kind of depressing. And well with winter just around the corner there's no need for more dark things since it tends to stay dark a lot...less sunlight and all. ANyway this template is called "snapshot tequila". Can anyone guess why I chose it?! :-) hmmmm? Well in honor of it I thought I'd put these photos in as well. They are also some 'snapshots of tequila' ;-)

Yep, before....not sure what cheer we did here, but it might have been: when we drink we get drunk, when we get drunk we sleep, when we sleep we commit no sin, when we commit no sin we go to heaven, so let's all get drunk and go to heaven. ;-) Cheers to that!

Aannnnddd..."make a funny face!"... so we did.

what good times we have with Jose...

That is all I have... enjoy. Need to finish my assignment due today and pack so that I can go HOME! yay for Thanksgiving break!

Friday, November 18, 2005

"last woMAN standing"

yep that's how Seth's last email refering to the game Assassins was titled. Yesterday was quite crazy. Krista went on a 'killing' spree. She got two kids before 11 and that meant that she would then have to 'kill' her boyfriend! Kayla being the biggest help she could ever be helped Krista out all morning and afternoon. Finally Krista got to Frenchie and he was dead. A little upset no doubt because she not only killed him, but she outlived him in the game. From then on Krista and Kayla (who may i remind wasn't actually in the game) sat in choir going crazy. They knew Kris was being plotted against. They switched clothes and although the informer of Krista's killer was around, he was too slow to let him know of the switch of clothes that he witnessed. Thus, Krista and Kayla walk out of choir see who Kris thinks is hunting her, but then a guy off to the side attacks too, except they go for Kayla, not Krista. Krista acting to protect Kayla, stabs the kid that goes after Kayla, and takes off not knowing what's going on. Simon, who inevitably ended up hitting Kayla thinks he has Krista, says her name only to have Kayla yell at him "I'm not Krista Lane. SUCK IT!":-) Krista came home not knowing if she had won or not. The guy that cornered her was the one that was supposed to be killing her but someone else tried instead of he. Later we find out that Simon killed John, and so Krista was Simon's next target. Krista came home panting from loss of breath. Calls Seth who is in charge of the game, explains the situation and they figure out that she's won! It was quite exciting and our house was pretty happy about the whole thing. How the events unfurled altogether is a much longer story. :-) It was all pretty funny though. Needless to say the frisbee boys who were playing and knew Krista were pissed she won. Probably because it was her first time playing and even more likely it was a WOMAN who won! :-) hahaha. overall a fun time. So we celebrated as a house with dinner together and then hung out the rest of the night, or did our own things.

This is probably a lame post but it was pretty exciting. And is all that has been going on. It makes me smile! well it's saturday and I have two papers to get done this weekend. So back to work i go. Much love all!


Monday, November 14, 2005


Well after a long week last week and the craziest f-ing weekend ever, things are kind of settling down and today I have actually accomplished something. For one I got my cover letter completed actually just about five minutes ago. This is for the hopeful internship that I will get to do over j term. There are still so many things that I need to get done school wise. Not only homework but I still haven't figured out if I need that other soc class! :-P bleh! no worries, I am in better spirits about it all since I did finish a cover letter. Although an exam and a paper this friday do not excite me.

On to more fun things... Assassins... yes... Assassins. It started Sunday at midnight. What is it exactly? Well a bunch of people get together on campus to play a game in which you are an assassin and are given a person to 'kill'. How can you kill them? With anything that's the length/size of a ruler or yardstick, those are melee weapons, and also with nerf dart/ball guns. This game is HILARIOUS! krista, britta and I decided to participate and although I was dead 11 hours after the game started ( it was a tragedy right before biodiversity and a story that I think is quite funny) Krista and Britta are still going strong. About half of the people on the list to play were dead by last night. More I'm sure are still being killed off today. Last night we had some kids come to our door with a nerf gun trying to scare us, and to probably get either Britta or Krista to come out of the house. The game is getting funny. The girls are getting intense and it's quite hilarious. People get really intense with this game and even skip classes and do crazy things. :-) It's still so funny though and I love it. I didn't get to kill anyone in those 11 hours that I was alive but yeah... i now get to watch the game unfold and read the funny stories of how people were killed which can be pretty funny. I think that's all i'll say about it for now. Once the game ends i might write more just because i think this game is so great. Overall it's been so much fun to watch it all unfold. Hopefully the girls get farther and get their kills soon.

oh, on another happy note... yesterday after getting killed :-P, I checked my mail and found a lovely package waiting for me! YES my Aussie food had arrived! YUM. This package (which cost quite a bit) consisted of three packages of Tim Tams, some Shapes (of the sour cream and sweet chili variety), snakes, some Milo, and Sa...Ka...Ta.. rice crackers. YUM! My quest to find some Coopers is still in the works. until then...


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Krista Rocks My Face OFF!

so today was a very good day. I got my learning and behavior test back with an excellent grade! that studying REALLY paid off! yes! Later after studying for a couple hours after class I came home to find my room FULL of colorful post-its. They were everywhere! Krista, my loving friend and room mate decided to put post-its all around my room with random words and some phrases. It's quite colorful and just really awesome. She did this for some random reason...and also she knew that Shannon and I had done it to Sunny while I was in Australia. Although her spelling is a bit in question it was still an awesome thing to come home to! I love it when friends remember random things! It's awesome and I love it and Krista is the best. here are a few photos for those of you who would like to see. Also if you care you can kind of get a feel for what my room looks like...:-)
Yep so here's my bed and dresser... um that big poster was not made by krista ... that's finger painting fun from the beginning of the year. I needed something to put on my wall. So colorful! This is the closet. That row of post its neatly placed at the bottom spell out "India has a coast". Yeah one day I randomly asked if India had one. Why? I'm not sure. (Krista has a sense of humor) She stuck them everywhere. All over my photos from Australia next to the flag, but I reckon the Jesus painting was unharmed.Yep, the door, she has written out in the ones placed in rows, "wanted to say i love you" She's precious. :-) ok so I had one more image but it wouldn't up load. That one is more of my desk and the post-its covering that area. Anyway this is the place i call home full of post-its . Thanks Krista! she's a legend!



Thursday, November 03, 2005

being pro choice doesn't make you a baby killer!

Just because I'm pro choice, does NOT make me a 'baby killer'

yeah i've been quite pissed off about comments not even made directly towards me about being pro choice. I believe in a woman having control over her own body. If the child has developed enough though I don't believe in terminating. If the child could live and function on it's own outsdie of the womb, then i say don't terminate. I'm sorry I just don't like being called a baby killer when i don't plan to ever have an abortion myself but that I believe other women can have the choice. And really how do I know if I never would? shit could happen where I think I would need to. I hope that never happens, but really... It bothered me even more that these baby killer remarks came from a man. A gay man at that. The thoughts that later ran through my head were that they will never have to deal with something like abortion directly. They don't have to worry about it happening to them or their partner! Granted he has friends that are girls but when he sat there just saying mean things, saying "you're wrong" and not being respectful of others opinions, well then I don't feel i should be respectful to him. Open your mind up! GOD! I almost wanted to tell him that his opinion didn't matter, but that would just be completely pigheaded of me. or would it?