Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hokay, so...Here's the Earth....

alright so Mel was getting all up in my face about needing a new post, so to procrastinate a little bit from doing homework I'm doing so.

First let me tell you all how EXCITED I am that movie production of RENT is coming to theatres November 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This afternoon I watched movie previews online for quite awhile and not only did i get excited for Corpse Bride, MirrorMask, Harry Potter, a new Pride and Prejudice and The Chronicles of Narnia, but... I got to see a preview for RENT! I can't explain how much i love this production! The play is so awesome and so inspiring and just gives me an awesome feeling. I was literally bouncing off the walls over the movie this afternoon. Why? well not only is this an awesome production but... get this... the movie cast.... is the original broadway cast (minus the girl who played Mimi --Daphne Rubin-Vega what are you up to?!) Still very pumped though. They are all amazing actors and singers and I can't wait to see it again and be able to watch it over and over and over. I'm hoping it's awesome and that I don't bring too high of expectations. I want to enjoy this movie. I have a feeling I will not be disappointed though. Out of my excitement I called my sister and we're planning on going the day it comes out! I still can not express very well at the moment how much i love RENT. If I figure it out I'll let you all know. But praise and thanks to Jonathan Larson. What a fucking genius!

On to other topics... So to go along with the title of this blog... if you don't know the ebaum's world cartoon about the End of the's a blurb I would like to share:

"Hokay, so here's the Earth. Chillin'. Dame you might say that's a pretty sweet Earth. ROUND! Hanyway... Ruling out the ice caps melting, meteors become crash into us, the ozone leaving and the sun exploding, we are definitely going to blow ourselves up...hokay so..."

So, I don't really think we are going to blow ourselves up, but rather we are just going to destroy the Earth in general with our materialistic life styles. I'm taking a class on Biodiversity this semester here at Luther and for my first journal entry that I had to write responding to what we've been talking about in class i wrote three pages about deforestation. Deforestation. It's a big deal I feel. My deal is that I can't believe how much we still do it. It's going to ruin us if we keep cutting down forests and rainforests! This may just seem like simple logic, or complete common sense but i guess I just don't understand why we still do it. If we keep cutting down for paper, excuse me but what happened to recyling? And if it's to make way for more people because our population is growing, i'm thinking maybe we try to keep the # of children to a minimum, but I really don't want to be the one to tell you to only have one kid and that you can't have the family you've always wanted. Anyway I was also thinking about all the rainforest that gets destroyed and cleared away. This makes me soooo sad. Our professor mentioned in class about how many things we can get from the rainforest. Ailments for diseases and such, but if we keep destroying the rainforest and don't use it resourcefully then we're missing out. Clearly! About being resourceful... When I was in Australia, Ann Marie and I took a horseback ride through a forest that wasn't an actual rainforest, it was kind of low on the scale of what constitutes an actual rainforest but there was still heaps to learn. Our tour guide Glenn was very informative and taught us all about the plants that were in the forest and how resourceful we could be and how useful the plants and things were. Nature and the environment can really be interesting! Glenn lived, I think in a rainforest for years when he was adopted by Aboriginees and they taught him all they knew about the rainforest and its resources. The best thing was at the end of the ride he showed us how this plant when broken up and dipped in water could be used as soap! how awesome is that?! Anyway what I'm getting at again is that resourcefulness is good. I'm thinking we need to be a little bit more of that and a little less of the materialistic. Pretty much it's just a matter of us taking care of the environment and not using so much of it's resources. My question now is... can we do it? Are people willing to make that sacrifice? Clearly i feel like some people do already, other cultures around the world live off the land. Can the rest of us do so?


Anonymous said...

You dont think that as we increasingly become more reliant on computers and the internet that our needs for paper producrts will decrease and the demand for deforestation with it?

em said...

maybe I sound stupid saying this, but I do realize that technology does play a part in the problem. I guess I don't know everything there is to know about recycling, but right away that's what jumps into my head. Although i suppose there is the possibility that reliance on computers and other technology could get so great that recycling just won't cut it. Does this make sense what I'm saying? I guess it's almost too hopeful, but I gotta try to be a little bit hopeful that there's some way to make deforestation smaller. One conflict I do find in this also though, because as we learned in class "everything is connected to everything else" (and this i find doesn't just go with ecosystems or the environment), is that a loss of jobs would definitely result and I'm sure some sort of reaction would start. Loss of a job, then can't find work, possible part of the economy goes to crap... and so's all quite depressing I guess, and I guess that I feel almost hopeless and helpless about the whole thing. I just like to wonder if there is a possibility that some things can change. Wouldn't that be nice? Yes I suppose it would, but I guess we don't always get nice.

Melissa said...

Thanks for updating, and a good post too!

Deforestation is dumb. The idea of big rich first world countries exploiting the natures of the third world countries for capital gain makes me sick. The rainforests of Brazil are truly beautiful and yet so much of it gets hacked to pieces every year to make paper for paper-pushing beaurocrats who hate their jobs and get a kick out of photocopying their arses. If governments made better incentives for recycling campaigns by companies (while it's very good that houses get targeted to recycle it's pretty obvious the biggest paper wasters are companies) things would perhaps be a little more logical. Maybe a bit less of Brazil would get hacked up every year. But then again that means us first worlders would have to pay higher taxers, and that's where the issue lies.

Yes I think some things can change, but it's going to take more government funding to better educate people into what the exact situation is and what kind of options we can opt for to make things better. Until then, people will remain ignorant and things like deforestation will continue.

Melissa said...

By the way I wasn't so in your face. You make me sound pushy or something!
