Saturday, June 11, 2005

Wildlife Park with Will...

Yesterday I spent the day at Cleland Wildlife Park. It's up in the Adelaide Hills and so it was about half an hour bus ride. I met up with my friend Will at the bus stop and we went from there. (this is American Will who used to go to Luther--frisbee player). The day looked like it was going to be really nice. It was a bit cloudy but the sun was peeking through. So we rode up into the Adelaide Hills and once we got up there it started to look a little bit more cloudy. We got to stop at Mt. Lofty for a few minutes to try and check out the view of the city but you really couldn't because of the clouds, which completely rolled in just as we were leaving. The bus then took us to the wildlife park. It rained for a bit while we were on the bus but stopped soon after.

The wildlife park was great! We sawe heaps of great animals from Australia. Kangaroos, which loved us when we gave them food. I had about four around me at one time that i was trying to feed. Will was nice enough and took pictures for me. We actually got to see a wombat that wasn't curled up and sleep in its hole. Saw a tasmanian devil, and got to watch him be fed. Saw all sorts of wallabies, some red kangaroos, some little animals that we weren't sure what they were, possible bandicoots. Will also tried to feed the Emus but they were not interested. They are scary looking animals. There was this animal called a Euro that looked pretty much just like a kangaroo. Saw a dingoe and a koala (actually saw it move! they are never moving when I've seen them.) Saw some cool birds, snakes, one of which actually moved, otherwise we assumed they were all dead, and we finished the whole park in like 2 hours. thing was that we had to kill another hour or so because the bus wouldn't be back until about 4:20. It was pretty funny because Will had said that it would probably take us four hours to really get through the park and see everything. I guess it would have taken longer if we would have sat in line to get a chance to hug the koala but I wasn't game to stand in line. So we got some food and sat and talked for awhile. Caught the bus again and went our seperate ways home. Overall a good afternoon. It was nice getting to hang out with Will and have a chat with him all day. Most of which I guess I did the talking. It was nice to talk about home and talk about MN and Luther and have someone know what you are talking about. Like when I asked Will as we passed a mongolian bbq place if he had ever been to one and he responded with "Khan's Mongolian BBQ off 494? yeah." YAY! love that place!

So one would think that once i got home I would eat tea and then go to do my homework, and get started on that essay of mine. Well I went to tea, had a chat with Amber and Sunny, then fell asleep, woke up at 10, 11, 2:30 and then just went to bed and got up about 8:30. Sunny, Amber and I were supposed to watch a movie later after Sunny and I had done some homework, but that didn't happen. heh. oops. Anyway, today I will hopefully get most of my research done so that I can type away tomorrow. I just need to actually sit down and concentrate!:-)

much love,


Melissa said...

Hey Emily

You are a funky chicken.

Luv Mel

Anonymous said...

Dont trust sunny. He is an evil demon sent from the neverworlds to hunt us all down and eat our brains.


Melissa said...


And he's a sooky-lala. And he nearly got me fired. And ... oh the list goes on.

Keep it up Emily! everyone!

Anonymous said...

Dont trust Mel either. She gave her soul to a greater burger-demon a long time ago. I suggest you take the initiative and feed her to Sunil when you get the chance.

Anonymous said...

i love the kangaroos!! :) i wish i could see one. i have no clue what a tasmanian devil would even look like! i've never heard of a bandicoot. funny animals.

you've made me thirsty for a cup of tea. i haven't been to pandoras since i went with you. ahh..ginger peach tea rocks!