Monday, June 27, 2005


WOOO HOOO! I am done with exams! I had my one and only today at 2 and it actually went alright. I really can't complain. There are probably parts that could have used more writing and thinking and all of that, but whatever! It's done! Now not to sound like a complete alcoholic or anything but my plans for the evening, and also my reward is to share a bottle of scotch with Shannon. After tea sometime it's scotch and coke for the night. The Machinist is playing at one of the movie theatres in town so we're going out to see that too! excitement! Fun! YAY! OH the Machinist is a film that has been out in the states for quite some time I believe because I remember wanting to see if before I left but it just came to theaters here in Australia a little while ago. It stars Christian Bale and it just sounded cool.

Anyway I'd like to explain the craziness that was this exam. Ok well it wasn't that crazy but the exam process was SOOO different from back home. First of all it was at the show grounds, not on the campus at Uni. Secondly, there are just HEAPS of people, with quite a few exams going on at once in this very very LARGE warehouse room, that holds probably as many kids as actually attend my school, Luther College, back home in the states. They have a lady on the loud speaker whom you really can't understand and sections and sections of people. My exam was only two hours long and we were the first exam to get done but if you're taking a longer exam you have to sit there and listen to all of the kids from the two hour exam get up and leave the HUGE warehouse room, push in their chairs and all of that! UGh! glad I wasn't one of those kids with a longer exam! Anyway it all went alright. I started coughing quite a bit at the start of the exam and felt bad for the people around me, but it stopped after a bit and I made it through!

I really could go on and on about how excited I am that I AM DONE! but I can't quite think of anymore words to describe the excitement that is being done! Here's to the week before I leave! It shall be a good one no doubt!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

YAY! Congrats on being done!! :)

Melissa said...

I'm done too!
