Tuesday, May 03, 2005

$600 less poor!

This is not really that exciting of news, but I just got the urge to write something... Today I was happy to find out, 1. The boring lecturer for Philosophy is done, she only had last weeks lectures! (thank God!), 2. I got my philosophy essay back, first thinking oh crap! a D?!?! but then remembered that they don't give letter grades. The give High Distinction, Distinction, Passes, and Fails. So really I got a Distinction on my paper! WOO HOO! Better than my Labor studies essay by far!, 3. My mommy was kind enough to put $300 in my checking account and...Dad told me he put my federal tax refund in there too, which was another $302!!!! I can now survive two more months of living in Australia with the possibility of traveling! yay!

Besides all of that the day was pretty... mmm crap. Well it was all gloomy out, and I was heaps tired. But that was my own fault for being tired. I didn't go to bed til mmmm 3 am! ugh! This is what I get for wanting to make friends! I finished my work for today so I first watched a movie. I got to introduce the movie Saved to some Aussies! (great movie if you like sattirical movies about religion) After that I decided to visit with Sunny and Greatzy (Greatzy is really Dave Greatz...Americans tend to call him Gretzky) and we decided to throw the frisbee out on the lawn at about 1:30 am. How genious are we?! After that I was entertained by drunk friends who had gone to the pub on a Monday night! geez! The best part was that I got a bed time story! We were talking about kids books and Shannon loves the book "Where the Wild things are" and he had it so he read it for us.

Well that is all I have. Nothing really exciting just something to maybe enterain anyone who reads this a bit. Tonight I have frisbee league and I'm usually there from about 6:30 til 11 or so... So it becomes a long night. It's time for some food, but I hope you enjoyed reading this.


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